I am your consultant, mentor, and guide for you, your family, your business, or organization anywhere in the world.
Masters in Public Administration, Harvard Kennedy School
Masters in Business Administration, MIT Sloan School
Bachelors in Economics and International Affairs, George Washington University
Course Coach of the famous Exercising Leadership: The Politics of Change course at Harvard Kennedy School
Founder of A.M. International, a business and consulting firm, advising businesses and organizations on conflict, development, and social enterprise. Represented companies at trade fairs and in sales negotiations.
Campaign Manager for Congressional Candidate for US House of Representatives in South Dakota
Project Coordinator for Black Hills Knowledge Network, formulating evaluation metrics, content guidelines, and organization and marketing strategy. Increased production of monthly news content by staff by 139% in 3 months and web traffic by 76%. Coordinated partnership spanning 13 local libraries and communities, 1 university, and 4 staff.
Project Manager of sustainability framework called PROMISE at MIT Sloan that stands for Personal, Relational, Organizational, Markets, Institutional, Socio-Political, and Environmental wellbeing
Co-Founder and Director of Operations at Agro-Industry Development, sourcing, producing, and exporting value-added (“made in Africa”) products: shea butter, dried mangos, roasted and salted cashews. Oversaw 10 employees, formed relationships with network of cooperatives in south of Mali, designed and implemented summer internship program for university students studying agribusiness, branded the company (logo, website, brochure, labels), and marketed products to international buyers through networking and attending trade fairs around the world.
United States Peace Corps Volunteer in Mali, West Africa, advising rural enterprises on business expansion, product development, and organizational strategy. Facilitated trainings for over 100 people and trained trainers on improved value chain processes for agroforestry products. Developed successful grant proposal to train women in water pump repair and maintenance. Tailored, edited, and implemented the Junior Achievement curriculum. Taught English and Arabic to students in French and Bambara.
Postgraduate Fellow at MIT CSAIL, pursuing an independent research project on the implications of AI and automation on job loss as well as on people’s loss of identity, status, belonging, and purpose in life; focusing on “deaths of despair” in the U.S. as a case study
Founder of Hacking Our Digital Age, a workshop series bringing together 50 students from policy, law, engineering, and business across MIT and Harvard to discover tangible solutions to real problems facing our digitized world
The Future Society (TFS) at Harvard Kennedy School, Artificial Intelligence (AI) Initiative Leadership Team, developing strategy, writing and editing policy pieces for publication, and representing TFS at events
Founder of energy healing business, mentoring adults seeking to come into their hearts, transform wounds into wisdom, find peace, realize their unique beauty, and reach their potential. Created unique Quantum Healing process that proved successful with MIT’s summer entrepreneurship program and with numerous other individuals around the world.
Founder of Purpose Lab, hosting and leading community workshops with various audiences, age groups, and demographics to help them understand who they are and what their purpose is. Created content to help people increase their consciousness levels, overcome mental and emotional blockages, understand their conditioning and programing, and discover what they want to create.
MIT $100K Launch Semi-Finalist (MIT’s Entrepreneurship Competition) for founding a storytelling startup to engineer understanding and empathy, bridging geographic and cultural divides, and creating an authentic, supportive community
Mindfulness Meditation Group Founder, leading meditations, spiritual discussions, and metaphysical guidance on weekly basis
The Yarn Co-Lead at MIT, a monthly storytelling event where students shared personal stories in front of hundreds of peers
Reiki II Certified, Theta Healing Certified, RYT 200 Yoga Instructor Certified
Taught Yoga to the Mentally Handicapped in Rapid City, South Dakota at Black Hills Works
Conflict Resolution
Research Assistant at the Fund for Peace, leading research for and writing a country case study on Lebanon and alert memo on Turkey’s Kurds using an eight-point framework for the United Nations Special Advisor for the Prevention of Genocide. Researched the current state of Iraq and wrote detailed monthly reports based on twelve social, economic, and political indicators for the organization’s annual Iraq Report. Contributed monthly social, political, and economic analyses to the Failed States Index, an initiative in partnership with Foreign Policy Magazine
Published a book on Amazon on Understanding Mali, looking at connections and confrontations between the Tuareg, Islamist Rebels, and the Government
First Place DPE Award for Excellence in Mideast Affairs for paper “Conflict in Kirkuk: Understanding Ethnicity”
Taught in K-12 schools in the Rapid City Area School District, primarily working with elementary students from disadvantaged backgrounds
Taught with Head Start and Early Head Start at the Rural America Initiatives with Native American children ages 0-5
Summer Associate for Private Wealth Management at Goldman Sachs, writing concise summaries of current events happening around the world, including economic and political turmoil, movements in financial markets, and changes in government policies. Devised creative solutions to complex wealth management cases that involved asset allocations, investment decisions, trusts, estates, foundations, and lending; researched individual stocks for clients; prospected for ultra-high net worth clients.
Languages: English, Spanish, French, Arabic, Bambara, Malinke, and Sign Language
Time Abroad: Lived In – Peru, Jordan, Mali, Morocco; Visited – 8 countries in Middle East, 7 in Africa, 9 in Europe, 3 in Asia
Interests: dancer, singer, gardener, yogi, poet, philosopher, cellist, artist, hiker, cook, designer, natural products engineer