Get Ready to Fart and Shit out Diarrhea Daily and Possibly Get an STD due to not following Climate Change Warnings LOL 

Karma’s a Bitch…huh? The Circle of Life, hahahahahaaa

Image by Freepik

Disgusting Chemicals, Fertilizers, Pesticides, Hormonalized and Steroidalized Manure from cruelty to animals, and Tons of Petroleum You All Chose to Use that is now in the air and water, that We Now All Consume in Our Food, impacts the Acidity of our Ocean and Soil, and will Cause us all to have Acid Reflux, and Fart and Shit out Diarrhea Daily. 

There could be more COVID or STD-like diseases There could be more COVID or STD-like diseases (you know AIDS spread too similar to COVID)because our atmosphere is being covered with disgusting chemicals, manure, petroleum, etc. All those pretty little girls could be infested with chlamydia and gonorrhea-type symptoms. Forests and gardens are not being cultivated, so our shit is not being absorbed anymore. The Amazon is dying. Life herself is dying. We all are dying. Here is your proof:

“The Amazon rainforest is now emitting more carbon dioxide than it is able to absorb, scientists have confirmed for the first time. The emissions amount to a billion tonnes of carbon dioxide a year, according to a study. The giant forest had previously been a carbon sink, absorbing the emissions driving the climate crisis, but is now causing its acceleration, researchers said. Most of the emissions are caused by fires, many deliberately set to clear land for beef and soy production. But even without fires, hotter temperatures and droughts mean the south-eastern Amazon has become a source of CO2, rather than a sink. Growing trees and plants have taken up about a quarter of all fossil fuel emissions since 1960, with the Amazon playing a major role as the largest tropical forest. Losing the Amazon’s power to capture CO2 is a stark warning that slashing emissions from fossil fuels is more urgent than ever, scientists said.” — The Guardian

Basically, this means, the Amazon, which was eating our shit, has stopped. So we are now under dire conditions. We literally could all die. Or we could all fart constantly. Or we could all get STDs. There are a lot of stark options for us unless we act quickly and cooperatively. 

Believe in Climate Change yet? 

Here’s some Google AI research for ya’ 

Google AI Question: Is acidity increasing in the soil?

Google AI Answer:

Yes, in many areas, soil acidity is increasing due to factors like heavy rainfall, excessive fertilizer use, crop harvesting, and the natural decomposition of organic matter, leading to a higher concentration of hydrogen ions in the soil and a lower pH level, making the soil more acidic; this is particularly concerning in agricultural regions where intensive farming practices are prevalent.

Key points about increasing soil acidity:

  • Causes:

  • Nitrogen fertilizers: The application of ammonium-based fertilizers can contribute to soil acidification as the bacteria convert ammonium to nitrate, releasing hydrogen ions into the soil.

  • Leaching: When nutrients are leached from the soil by rainwater, the positively charged ions like calcium and magnesium are washed away, leaving behind hydrogen ions, making the soil more acidic.

  • Crop removal: Harvesting crops removes essential minerals from the soil, contributing to acidity.

  • Acidic parent material: Some soil types naturally have a lower pH due to the rock they formed from.

Google AI Question: Are acidity levels rising in the ocean?

Google AI Answer:

Yes, acidity levels in the ocean are rising due to increased absorption of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, a process known as ocean acidification; this means the pH of the ocean is decreasing, indicating increased acidity.

Key points about ocean acidification:

  • Cause:
     As humans release more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, the ocean absorbs a significant portion of it, causing a chemical change in the seawater making it more acidic.

  • Impact on marine life:
     Increased acidity can negatively affect marine organisms that build shells or skeletons, like coral and shellfish, making it harder for them to survive.

  • Rate of change:
     Ocean acidification is happening at a much faster rate than at any point in the past millions of years.

Google AI Question: Does acidity cause you to fart more?

Google AI Answer

While acidity itself doesn’t directly cause you to fart more, the behaviors and dietary factors that often contribute to acidity can also lead to increased gas and flatulence, meaning they can sometimes occur together, but one doesn’t necessarily cause the other; the shared causes are usually related to diet and digestive issues like swallowing air or eating foods that promote gas production.

Key points to remember:

  • No direct link:
     Acid reflux (acidity) doesn’t directly produce gas, but the symptoms can overlap due to shared causes like eating habits or certain foods.

  • Swallowing air:
     When experiencing acidity, people may tend to belch more, which can lead to swallowing more air and causing gas.

  • Dietary factors:
     Foods that trigger acidity can also cause gas, like carbonated drinks, spicy foods, or high-fiber foods if consumed in large quantities.

  • Underlying conditions:
     Conditions like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) can manifest with both acidity and excess gas.

My Karmic Analysis of this Situation: 

Since we are living under Satanic and Luciferic conditions, this will be Mother Earth’s best karmic twist ever for all of you out there who didn’t believe in climate change. From republican men giving their sweet 16 child breast implants to them farting daily…LOL this will be hilarious, really. 

We need to give solar refrigerators to all of those in poverty around the world to prevent diseases from spreading. Just look at this photo from a market in Wuhan, Hubei, China. Disgusting. Cruel. Dangerous. I live in Peru. There are dead animals everywhere unrefrigerated. The pathogenic levels are at a critical crisis level. I used to live in Africa. The same dangerous situation is there. 

The UN and the World Health Organization must act. Must prevent diseases from spreading before, not after they occur. There is plenty of money to help. Learn about the Giving Pledge. Read Thomas Piketty’s book. In 2023, the world’s richest 1% owned 47.5% of the world’s wealth, which is about $214 trillion. This is while the bottom 50% of the world’s population owns less than 2% of the world’s wealth. There is obviously money to ensure people do not die, fart all the time, or get an STD or awful disease. Common sense people. Common sense. Prevention.

More articles you can read by me to understand more about this dire crisis we face: 

Concern about the Amazon Rainforest and Life Herself Dying
Until we can calculate that the Amazon Jungle is not a shit hole for “factory farms” of animals and petroleum industry…

COVID and Disease Prevention Necessary in the Markets of the World
From disaster relief to disaster

What Needs to Be Done Now to Save the Earth
Providing multi-level actions for everybody around the

More articles you can read by me to understand the solutions that are possible: 

Our Circular Economy (I)

Our Circular Economy (II)

Our Circular Economy (III)

Our Circular Economy (IV)

Our Circular Economy (V)

Organic Sustainable Diverse Community-Orientated Farms

The Compassion Network

Our Circular Eco Documentary

Do We Actually Have A Truthful Democracy?

How Trump Got Re-Elected: Automation and the Crisis of Identity and Despair

Quantum Physics and Buddhism Leading You to Your Salvation/Nirvana

Entering The Kingdom of Heaven

Written by
Ashley Heacock
Harvard Kennedy School of Government, MPA
MIT Sloan School of Management, MBA
The George Washington University, BA Economics, BA International Affairs


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