Curing Yourself of Herpes, STDs, Pollutants, etc. 

I am a medicine woman and have been doing a lot of experimentation with organic oils (rather than toxic chemicals) to do cleaning of my house and body in a manner that does not kill any living being.

I came across tea tree oil. I personally do not have STDs or herpes, however, I felt the call to write about this method in case it’s helpful. I feel a noticeable difference when I do this treatment. It is useful for general detoxifying from all of the pollutants in the environment.

  1. Bless your treatment with a prayer.

  2. Fill a jug with common soap like Dr. Bronners or something non-chemical.

  3. Put in tea trea oil and lavender oil.

  4. Mix it together with water.

  5. Shower and put the mixture all over your body.

  6. Make sure you have clean sheets and clothes ready.

  7. Take at least two showers a day.

  8. Clean your sheets and towels as often as possible.

  9. See if you notice a difference after a week or two.

  10. Please try to refrain from having intercourse with anybody while you are healing your body.

I am not an expert on this topic. Just thought I’d share this practice in case it’s helpful! As the earth becomes more polluted due to all of the cow manure and petrol gas blocking the natural air flow of oxygen to the Amazon Rainforest, etc. this practice should probably become more general and widespread.

For more detailed information on “Do It Yourself” remedies at home for your STDs, here is another article that may be informative as you heal.

Also, if you are really up for it, ayahuasca can help cure you of most everything. Healing yourself of any disease is a shamanic practice. It is karmic. So healing your heart with aya is also helpful, but be aware, it will set you on the path of shamanism (healing the world to remember our heart).

Meditation is also helpful. Relaxing your body in general. Santa Maria (THC) is a wonderful way to heal. Remember to take Grandfather Tobacco to take a break from your heart healing journey with Santa Maria.

Also, know that in my younger days, I had a lot of sex with a lot of men, without condoms and never got any STD. I believe it also has something to do about loving the person, and not having fear.

I also had the practice of taking a shower after having intercourse. That should be a no-brainer really. Know that circumcision of the penis is not normal. It was a practice meant to keep men clean while we were living in really dirty conditions. Now, men can keep their tip clean, have more pleasure, and feel the love of their mother and father.


God in Different Languages