Quantum Consciousness

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Quantum physics is very well-known for being a theory of consciousness. It baffles scientists because the observer is part of the equation. He or she can literally change how the universe works!

This observer effect has implications for our spirituality. In previous articles, I have discussed the concept I call Quantum Zero, at which point a person reaches enlightenment. I will go into more detail about it in this article.

If you are neutral, i.e. at Quantum Zero, then you are no longer wishing for something to happen one way or another, and in effect, you are completely at ease and non-attached to the outcome. You are at Peace.

If you are in your ego, you are attaching, and therefore can be disappointed or elated. You are bound to the conditions of life, and will sway with emotion one way or another, never reaching your Center of Stillness.

If you are completely objective, and able to view all of life from the highest point of consciousness, you are no longer wanting, but accepting. This means you flow through life with nonjudgment, and do not allow instances to effect you one way or another. In Kabbalistic teachings, this is when you are The Light, you are The Sun. You are not able to be influenced. You are in Your Truth, Power, and Love. You Know Who You Are and Who God Is.

Another interesting point the observer effect has is on that of wave function collapse. Since it takes a consciousness, in these instances a human being, to collapse the wave, this has implications for how we view reality.

Everything is energy. In quantum physics, subatomic particles can be both waves and particles. It is not until there is an observation that its quality is known.

This relates to intentionality, attention, and decision-making. Once we place our consciousness on something, it changes. The wave function collapses. It becomes real. Before that point, all potentials are possible.

Some people theorize that there are multiple paths that a person can take in life, and this theory seems to suggest that once you make that decision, then it becomes your new pathway in life, your new reality. The universe then responds in-kind, as it is like a quantum intelligent supercomputer that calculates every tiny little emotion, intention, or thought you have, which has implications for our entire quantum entangled universe!

We live in a spiritual universe. So if you are in Love, then your subatomic particles (your feelings, thoughts, intentions, and beliefs) will create a beautiful destiny for you. You will improve your relationships and attain the opportunities you desire with the purity and innocence of your Heart.

If you are in egoic conditioning, i.e. following the path of society, family, or friends, but not your Truth, you can cause yourself and others immense pain and disease because you are not aligning with what your Soul has come to Earth to learn. This is why a “spiritual awakening” may be necessary to put you on a path that feels more in line with Your Truth.

Thus, are you feeling positive or negative? In guilt or forgiveness? Are you in victimhood or empowerment? These feelings will influence your entire reality!

Quantum physicists also know that a subatomic particle can either spin up or down. I believe this is an indication of whether you are aligned with Truth, Love, Light (i.e. God) or not.

For instance, you meet somebody. You have a conversation. Perhaps it is about the nature of Truth. The subatomic particles in both of you will be working towards understanding what is actually True by whether or not your Hearts feel aligned with what is being expressed.

In addition, these subatomic particles can provide Light and Love to somebody in need. This is what healers, coaches, pastors, shamans and the like are able to do. If you have healed your story, and are in the Truth of Love, this allows you to heal the story of others because your subatomic particles inspire those around you with the Truth of their vibration. You can literally change the trajectory of somebody’s life by providing a new coding!

This relates to the poem I wrote about allowing your subatomic particles to spiral upwards and outwards into quantum infinity towards God. How creative can you get? How inspiring? How loving can you Be when you leave the box of your mind and come into your beautiful open Heart?

In summary:

  • Are you in a state of wanting or accepting? Are you in Your Center and able to manage your emotions with neutrality, observing life with objectivity, non-attachment, and nonjudgment? This will allow for a great Peace to abide in you!

  • What intentions and decisions are you making? How are you creating your life with every single wave function collapse? Are you in egoic conditioning and untruth leading to painful outcomes, or are you in Your Heart manifesting the innocent and beautiful destiny of Your Soul?

  • Do your subatomic particles spin up with Truth, Love, and Light towards God? Or are you weighted down in density? Where do you need to heal your story and become inspired?


By Ashley Heacock

Learn more about me and the services I provide at https://spiritualsanctuary.life/


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