Quantum Healing Process

Most of us were told not to feel as children. As young beings, we were very intuitive and sensitive to the world around us. We were in our Souls, in our Hearts, and very innocent and pure.

This can frighten the adults around us who are insecure about their own woundings and shadows. They likely were not taught how to process their feelings. This means, as children, most of us were told to not feel, or that we were wrong in our interpretations, and this could have caused great confusion for your Heart and Soul.

Therefore, as an adult, you have the opportunity to begin to feel again, to allow the child inside of you to feel safe enough to go into those places and spaces that sadness or anger or fear existed. You can allow yourself to process these feelings so that they are no longer stored in your body, but rather able to be released with Love, Forgiveness, and Harmony.

If you do not process the feelings inside of you as a child, you end up “bypassing” and manifesting from your ego. You fight battles, you put up protections, and you try to prove yourself to others.

This is where most of the world lives, at the egoic state of being, that is basically just a frightened little child playing in an adult costume.

You can think you’re “strong”, but in reality, you are living from a place of great fear. This could be a fear of not fitting in, a fear of not being protected, a fear of not achieving enough. This causes great anxiety in the body, and you can end up in greed, corruption, and chaos, as we all see in the world around us.

You may eventually begin to “wake up”, meaning your Soul starts sending you signals that it cannot hold the dishonesty in your bodily system anymore. This may mean quitting a job, moving places, or ending a relationship. It could mean spending more time in meditation to start listening to your Heart and calming your mind. It could mean beginning to do family constellation healing work, shadow work, somatic work, or quantum healing processes to begin to free you of family, ancestral, and societal patterns.

Ultimately, the goal is to begin to feel your Heart, Soul, and Spirit so you are aligned with Your Truth. This allows your body to relax, so you can then begin to manifest not from your ego but from your innocent and pure Heart, which is the greatest magnification center of the body and is directly in line with your Higher Self and God. You will be able to create from Love rather than fear, from your Soul rather than your ego, and you will flourish into a beautiful and harmonious Destiny that you can feel good about!

Below is the successful quantum healing process I developed when I was working with clients in the Cambridge area and with entrepreneurs at MIT:

  1. Meditate and get into a semi-hypnotic state to be able to access your heart and body sensations rather than just your mind’s thoughts. 

  2. How are you feeling right now? 

  3. What emotions arise? Does fear, anger, sadness, or worry appear? 

  4. Where do these emotions live in your body?

  5. What is the color, shape, sound of these emotions? 

  6. What are these emotions telling you? What story is living there? 

  7. Remember back to a time before the age of twelve when you had this same feeling. What happened?

  8. Breathe through it, sending love and understanding to the child for what happened. 

  9. Ask your Higher Self for guidance as to how to create peace with this story. Who needs to be understood more? Do you feel comfortable sending love to the adversary yet? This process can be very involved, and may require somebody else helping to guide the questioning process, depending on the situation. 

  10. Ask your Higher Self and these emotions what they are saying now. How does it look? What is the color, shape, and sound of it now? Does more understanding need to be generated, another story from the child listened to, or is there peace and love present with all involved? Eventually you should get to a point when there is wisdom flowing from your Higher Self to the child.

  11. Thank your child and Higher Self. Find a way to peacefully come to a close with all who were present. 

  12. Then consider your present-day situation and interacting with them in the future. How is it different now? How do you and the other people behave? Are the difficult emotions cleared, or is more healing and understanding still needed? What guidance does your Higher Self have for you? You should get to a point where you feel good about a way to move forward. 

Congratulations! You have now completed your first “energy healing” session! There should be new beliefs, thoughts, and stories that have formed in your body and auric field that should then influence your present life in positive and loving ways. By going back into the past and healing our childhood wounds, that trauma should be healed in your auric field so that those same responses and experiences do not appear in your reality anymore. You should feel empowered to handle difficult situations with more wisdom. You can even maintain a relationship with your Higher Self to continue to receive guidance along your path. 

I hope the explanation of the process was helpful to you! If you’d like, you can begin with a free inner child meditation, here.

For more information on the services I provide, please visit https://spiritualsanctuary.life/services/ or contact me directly at ashleyheacock@gmail.com. Please also comment below on how this information resonates with you!

With Love,



Upgrading your 3D Consciousness to Higher Dimensional Levels of Existence