A Possible Healthy Solution to Becoming Vegan
Kiwicha, Algarrobina and Oat Milk with Moringa, Aguaymanto and Banana Smoothie
I grew up in South Dakota. One time on a vacation, we pulled over to a gas station, and I started crying. There was a truck full of cows headed probably to, you know where. Now looking back as an adult, I feel I was channeling their sadness.
I fortunately had an aunt who was vegan, and a brother-in-law’s wife who was vegan as well. Therefore, I became vegetarian at around age 12 or 14.
I was vegetarian for most of my life. Even while living in the Middle East during college, and in Peace Corps, Mali, West Africa, I did not eat meat.
I was living in Morocco, North Africa after that, and at that point, I decided to try eating meat.
Then, I was on a journey of sometimes veganism, sometimes vegetarianism, sometimes meatism, and sometimes pescetarianism for years.
I was trying to figure out what my body needed to be healthy. I had heard a lot of stories of vegans having health problems, and I too felt sick on a vegan diet. Plus, I like diversity.
I am a shaman and live in the Sacred Valley of Peru. I finally have become vegan and feel incredible! It is due to the diversity of vegan produce here.
The primary dietary change I made was eating kiwicha/kaniwa plus algarrobina for breakfast that has iron, paired with a vitamin C drink.
This is called a complete protein I learned. The pairing of iron and vitamin C is extremely important it seems, and my body tells me so too.
I began with the kiwicha/kaniwa plus algarrobina mixture, and paired it with oats and sugar and salt to balance out the bitterness.
I combined this healthy breakfast meal with fresh orange juice at first. That iron and vitamin C duo was incredible!
Then, due to climate change in Peru, it got extremely cold here. Yes, it is possible for the earth to get cold in some places, and hot in others.
So, my oranges became frozen and unedible, therefore, I had to switch to something different for my vitamin C.
When I was in the Peace Corps in Mali, I found out about moringa. It is extremely nutritious. Coincidentally, I found it at one of the local organic, sustainable, healthy food stores here. It is inexpensive! Only around 20 soles (around $7 for 2–4 weeks worth of all the vitamins you need, and it actually works!)
Therefore, I started creating smoothies in the morning to pair with the kiwicha mixture.
I pair bananas with moringa and add fruit. The local fruit here that is incredibly nutritious that I add to this smoothie is called aguaymanto.
Before reading below, I ask that you consider donating to my shamanic DIY endeavors of discovering these sacred plants in Peru. You can donate to me, and trust me, I will know if you’ve read this, and if you’re able to give money. And trust me, believe me, I will donate all of it back to feed the children with anemia here in Peru. Cash in person in Peru, or Paypal online: paypal.me/ashleyheacock or, donate to my GoFundMe here. So, enjoy reading! Or stop reading here, and do your own research online and in-person with all of these sacred plants that I have spent months discovering through my own body. I am a bridge between the ancestors and the children of today.
Additionally, if you would like to import these products from the Sacred Valley of Peru, I am looking for collaborators to introduce these sacred plants to the world. I have the backing of the ancestors here, so you can be assured that all of the money will go to healthy community endeavors. You can email me at ashleyheacock@gmail.com or whatsapp me at +51 977 560 057 to discuss this incredible opportunity for your organic vegan community farm.
Aguaymanto description of its benefits:
“It is a fantastic antioxidant that stops cells from ageing, it improves the state of cell membranes, prolongs their youth, protects retina and eye nerves, improves the state of skin tissues and mucous membranes. It helps with proper functioning of blood circulation — it boosts its efficiency, and seals blood vessels. It is great for joints, it has anti-rheumatic properties, it helps with the treatment of rheumatic arthritis. It prevents the illnesses of digestive system, colon, and large intestine, it stabilizes the level of glucose in the blood and therefore is anti-diabetic. It helps the treatment of prostate. It will be appreciated by women in the time of menopause — thanks to the content of estrogens it soothes the symptoms of that time, and helps to absorb iron. Apart from that, Aguaymanto has the regenerating properties, it boosts the production of the red blood cells, and helps to purify blood by eliminating albumin from kidneys. Flavonoids present in Aguaymanto have sedative qualities. It is a perfect antidote for stress, it provides a lot of energy needed for fighting with physical and mental fatigue, even with states similar to depression. It is a source of natural energy in nutrition of children, students, and sportspeople.” — Rostlinyz Peru
Here is a beautiful summary of the nutritional benefits of Kiwicha:
“Kiwicha is an excellent source of essential amino acids, including lysine, a recommended amino acid for the nutrition of pregnant mothers and infants. Additionally, it aids in collagen formation, the most abundant protein in the body and the main component of connective tissues found in various parts of the body, including tendons, ligaments, skin, and muscles. This Andean grain contains high nutritional value of proteins and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, among others, which are essential for strengthening the immune system and supporting the development of bones, teeth, and blood. It also provides vitamin C and B-complex vitamins such as thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), and niacin (B3). One hundred grams of kiwicha provide 428 calories, of which 70% are carbohydrates, 14.5% are proteins, and 7.8% are fat.” — Foods.pe
Here is an overview of the benefits of Moringa, however, I suggest reading more on Good Housekeeping’s website (btw this plant originates from India, is grown in East Africa, and has thankfully made its way to Peru).
“Moringa leaves are one of the most nutrient-dense greens on the planet, packed with protein, essential amino acids, 27 vitamins and 46 antioxidants,” says Lisa Curtis, Founder and CEO of Kuli Kuli Foods. That includes key nutrients like calcium, iron, B vitamins, potassium, magnesium and vitamin C. Overall, “moringa is rich in macro- and micronutrients and other bioactive compounds” which are important for the normal functioning of the body and prevention of many diseases,” according to research.” — Good Housekeeping
Here is an overview of the benefits of Algarrobina:
“1. Natural source of energy
2. Helps prevent and combat heart and nervous system diseases
3. Helps prevent menopause
4. Helps improve digestion
5. Strengthens the immune system
6. Natural source of calcium
7. Strengthens muscles
8. Helps prevent anemia
9. Helps skin health and prevents hair loss
10. Algarrobina helps reduce inflammation” — Feria Nativa
Before reading below, I ask that you consider donating to my shamanic DIY endeavors of discovering these sacred plants in Peru. You can donate to me, and trust me, I will know if you’ve read this, and if you’re able to give money. And trust me, believe me, I will donate all of it back to feed the children with anemia here in Peru. Cash in person in Peru, or Paypal online: paypal.me/ashleyheacock or, donate to my GoFundMe here. So, enjoy reading! Or stop reading here, and do your own research online and in-person with all of these sacred plants that I have spent months discovering through my own body. I am a bridge between the ancestors and the children of today.
Additionally, if you would like to import these products from the Sacred Valley of Peru, I am looking for collaborators to introduce these sacred plants to the world. I have the backing of the ancestors here, so you can be assured that all of the money will go to healthy community endeavors. You can email me at ashleyheacock@gmail.com or whatsapp me at +51 977 560 057 to discuss this incredible opportunity for your organic vegan community farm.
You can read about my GoFundMe below, and donate here.
“I am seeking donations to support my local community in the Sacred Valley of Peru. Anemia is common amongst the children here. It stunts their growth, health, nutrition, and vitality of life.
I am seeking to start an organic, sustainable farm that will rely upon local produce. Cash crops like rice and corn are popular, however, they do not provide adequate nutrition for the community.
Many people are suffering from malnutrition because they were separated from their natural food supplies when colonialism took away their natural way of life. Now poor people mainly eat the cheap unhealthy food at the store, so they do not have proper nutrition, when they used to be thriving communities.
Therefore, we are proposing an organic, sustainable farm that will have a healthy balance of the food that this region needs so they do not have to rely upon imports. We will also provide nutritional training to help reintroduce them to their local food sources that are incredible super foods.
To heal anemia, there is a proper combination called complete proteins. You can get this from local Peruvian food sources such as kiwicha, quinoa, and algarrobina paired with orange juice. Therefore, we would like to introduce this to breakfast to all of the local schools here. Eventually, the farm or farms will be a sustainable supply for the children and community.
This region also has yucca, mashua, oca, maca, choclo, mashua, purple potatoes, sweet potato, cacao, goldenberries, avocado, bananas, tomatos, kale, beans, and so many other incredible nutritional sources of food and medicinas that are much more nutritious than just eating white bread from the local convenience store.
Therefore, with this proposal, we will also include education activities for the children and local communities.
The farm will be like an educational center to help reintroduce people to nature. The Amazon is still being destroyed by the American capitalistic industry. They are destroying our oxygen, as the trees absorb carbon and release oxygen. You can read more about it here (caution, your heart may cry): https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/jul/14/amazon-rainforest-now-emitting-more-co2-than-it-absorbs
Medicines that could save the world are being threatened. The locals here are uneducated, and therefore their land is being taken. Therefore, with proper nutrition and more access to their native culture, we may be able to save these sacred plants and animals.
I have the idea of the “Niñas y Niños Program”, i.e. “Girls and Boys Program” that will include:
- Hiking
- Gardening
- Artistry
- Local cultural immersions
- Trash collecting
- Cooking
- Language classes
I would like it to be a community effort, where the young and old meet. Where people can find solace. Where they can learn about their local culture. Where they can create loving relationships with animals. Where they can experience the beauty of butterflies, flowers, and the incredible mountains that surround us.
I am also seeking collaboration and support. If you or somebody you know has good or better ideas about holistic farming and proper nutrition, please email me!”