Why Did This Happen to Me?
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Some people have their houses burned down.
Some people suffer from tremendous health problems.
Some people get fired from their jobs.
Some people lose their relationships.
Some people suffer from tremendous trauma.
Sometimes “bad” things happen for a reason.
To send you on a new path towards God, higher vibrations, healthier relationships, humility, etc.
There is a Chinese proverb I like, retold below by Evelyn Theiss:
A Chinese farmer gets a horse, which soon runs away. A neighbor says, “That’s bad news.” The farmer replies, “Good news, bad news, who can say?”
The horse comes back and brings another horse with him. Good news, you might say.
The farmer gives the second horse to his son, who rides it, then is thrown and badly breaks his leg.
“So sorry for your bad news,” says the concerned neighbor. “Good news, bad news, who can say?” the farmer replies.
In a week or so, the emperor’s men come and take every able-bodied young man to fight in a war. The farmer’s son is spared.
Good news, of course.
It’s easy to understand why the ancient story of the Chinese farmer resonates now, in times that seem way too full of bad news.
The tale of the farmer is said to be Taoist. Taoist (pronounced Dow-ist) theology emphasizes themes such as naturalness, peace, effortless action, detachment and receptiveness.
The farmer’s tale captures many of those. In short, it reminds people that it’s best not to get too upset — or attached — to what happens to us. Even something that seems dark and confounding can turn out to be an opportunity, when looked on in hindsight.
The story resonated most strongly in the career seminar I attended recently. Many there had lost their jobs, and the professor told them, “It might seem like bad news now, but you might look at it later as the best thing that ever happened.” He said he knew scores of people for whom a job rupture turned out fortuitously — including himself.
It’s easy to dismiss the fable as being Pollyannaish, but how many of us have had something not turn out the way we wanted — only to find out that something way better was in store?
What else can be helpful when you face desperate times?
God; this could be The Bible, The Quran, The Bhagavad Gita, Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, Confucianism, Lakotaism, or any spiritual guidance that lifts you up and brings you to a greater understanding of yourself, God, karma, or the natural world
Go out in nature, hike, be with the animals, flowers; take a break from humans
Meditate, listen to your heart
Go to new places that you feel called to and speak to people who may seem different from you, but inspiring. You may find a new friends who are of a higher frequency and vibration.
If you’re up for it, go to confessional with a Priest at a Catholic Church. Be honest about what you may have done that caused something to happen. This can be a release, as you are being honest with God and yourself. Then you can be free to change your behavior towards more nobility.
Be forgiving, gentle, and compassionate towards yourself. Be humble about your part in what happened. We are all fallible human beings and are on earth to overcome our karma. This is the cycle of Samsara, as it is called in Hinduism. If you learn the lessons you are meant to learn on earth, you are free of them, and can raise your life to new levels of inspiration, creativity, love, and freedom.
Be empowered about what you can do to become a wiser person and find a path that is more suitable to your spiritual self of Love. Then you are not on a karmic path of destruction anymore, and can raise your vibration. You can find yourself on a path of enlightenment towards peace, compassion, and love for all beings.
It really does come down to the story you tell about the experience.
You can be in a low-vibrational frequency of victimhood and continue to suffer tremendously from what happened.
Or, you can heal.
This means crying, feeling, listening to your heart, forgiving those who harmed you, forgiving yourself for what you may have done, and coming into a higher vibrational existence of understanding.
If you are able to feel and heal and tell a new story for your life, perhaps, you could come into more:
Lessons learned and understanding about karma and how to break free of the patterns you have sunk into
Empowerment and moving forward towards a new you and a new life of inspiration, joy, and freedom
A new relationship with God, yourself, others that is Loving, Compassionate, Kind, but also filled with a newfound Strength
If you stay in your victimhood story, you stay low. You don’t progress. You’re mean to others. You take out your anger on yourself and those around you.
If you choose a higher path of learning, being open to new opportunities, and healing yourself of what caused the challenge in the first place, you can blossom and grow.
Seeking out counselors can sometimes be okay; however, be warned, often, they just have you talk about your story over and over again, and you stay stuck in the same neural pathways. They can sometimes do more harm than good.
Seeking out energy healers can help you get to the root of the cause of the issue. I have healed people in one session who went to counselors for years. The cause of your issue could be something from your past life. It could be a sign from your spirit guides. This takes an openness to understanding the wider reality of existence.
I am open for consultations if this appeals to you. You can reach me at ashleyheacock@gmail.com or go to my website https://www.awakeningconsciousness.community/
Also, below are some articles I wrote that may also be helpful to you on your life journey: