A Jigsaw Puzzle of Our Hearts

Photo by Amy Humphries

Fitting together emotionally is like putting a jigsaw puzzle of our hearts together

Where will you complete me
In the places and spaces
I feel the most alone

Will we Find each other
In the darkest of caverns?

Will you cuddle me
In the curves I never thought would be loved

Can you connect to me
In the faint openings of the mind

Can you shine the light on my wounds
And can we heal each other where we’ve healed
Like a warm bandage that feels just right

Where do you need me
Where do I need you

Where do we connect like we’re
One when we’re two

Emotionality as our guide
To the twists and turns of life

Finding our way back to each other
A family rejoining

One puzzle many pieces
Remembering who we are

Love spread out to distant shores
Can you greet me even way out here?

Will you reach me at the
Highest peaks and the
Lowest parts

Can we put ourselves back together again
And is that the point in the first place

Are we the pieces and God the director
Or are the pieces our story and We the narrator

One Light spiraling Forever
Finding our way back to Love
Each other,
The One

A puzzle complete
An image remade
Love no longer forlorn
A Whole story

​© 2022 Ashley Heacock




Universes of Symphonies