Becoming Light-Bodied

Photo by Stephanie LeBlanc

Chiseling out neural passageways
Softening each nerve ending

Turning towards the Heavens
Quantum spiraling, upward bending

Where Am I Light
Where am I heavy

Where Am I Soft
Where am I holding a levy

Untwisting the tied-up knots
Unwinding the story taught

Leaving pauses for breakthroughs
Not allowed to refuse

What is Silent
What is noisy

What is Important
What is not necessary

Listening to Words hopeful and forlorn
Connecting them to the Designs that form

Hearing each Heartbeat of One Another
Inseparably tied to the Love for Each Other

Who Am I
Who Are You

Who are We Now
When we are no longer two

Decalcifying my pineal gland
Unifying each part of my clan

Processing the ribbons of emotions and associations
Letting go of histories, mysteries, and cancerous disease


A cleansing
Of the Soul

Untangling each thought
Negativity to be naught

Purifying my vocation
Raising my vibration

Creating a beautiful landscape for epigenetic transformation
Rewiring each cell of my Being for illuminous magnification

What is harmonious
What is deleterious

What is in Union
What is separate

Conducting an honest symphony of my life
Allowing me to Become a human Light

Learning from my Divine blueprint
The Body as my holy instrument

Sacred geometry forming in the ether
The Kingdom ringing as my Divine teacher

No more darkness to be found
Forgiveness the only Sound

Flying through Angelic Space
Waiting patiently for God’s great Grace

​© 2022 Ashley Heacock


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