

Who Am I
To what am I conscious of
From where do I act

The feet
A guide for the journey

The womb
A director in creativity

The heart
A sweet softness of the soul

The brain
A relator of the experience of the body

The emotions
A guide to memories

The voice
A communicator of feelings

The body
An intimate show of sensation

The soul
A yearning for revelation

The Body

This vessel
The lesson

For spirit to teach
A soul’s journey

An embodied state of mind

There’s the one who is guided
Who experiences this life

There’s the one who is spirit
Who nurtures all strife

How do we treat ourselves
How do we treat one another

All of us interconnected
Karmic returns

In pain or in love
From below or above

Soul growth
With each day

Spirit led
With each breath

All of us conscious
But to what
And from where
And why

Who is the decider?
Who is the feeler?
Who is the story teller?
Who is the lover?
Who is the believer?

The beginning of time is held deep within our womb
All of us related to the first spark
These bodies of stories
Lores of Glories


The Heart

