Savior Complex
Photo by Dragonfly Ave
Savior Complex
We live in a world that is still not perfect
So we try to perfect it
We Are all connected
Your pain is mine
Somewhere down the line
We are interdependent
Here for each other
But where is the line between
Caring and saving
Who needs to be cared for and saved in the first place
There are those without water
There are those without a soul
Who needs a drink from spirit the most?
Can one find oneself in the question?
We live in a world that is so comfortable
For so many people
We’d love for this freedom to spread
So all can experience this Life
How much is enough
When the earth is polluted
Where is the balance between
Riches and rainstorms
How is it all interconnected
Her Spirituality and our own
Seeking shelter
Seeking a soul
Coming into comfort
Finding inner freedom
Not taking what we don’t need
Sharing what’s in excess
Is this where we All meet
Is this where we Find each other
Science and Technology
Catching up to consciousness
Can we be comfortable and free
Where will we find the energy
To maintain our lifestyle
And be happy
Calming our minds to
Calm the tides of imperfection
Creating the efficiencies
To perfect just about everything
Am I happy because I get what I want
Am I satisfied because I’m free of wanting
Where is the balance between
Wanting and not wanting
Perfecting and peacefulness
Addictions and needs
Can we find the energy for our appetites
Can we be aware of our cravings
Can we use this earth to satiate and placate
Our bodies’ desires for the heavenly
Will She hold us in our yearnings
Will we be bold enough in our inventions
Will we discover a Source Beyond
To allow everybody to be Lovely?
Can I be okay with being me
Can I relax into non-activity
Will I be fed by a Source from above
Or is my belly needing something physical not just love
How often can we say riches don’t buy happiness
When a warm meal is typically sufficient
Can we be practical in our wisdom
Can we stop with the aphorisms
And realize sometimes we need the cent
Yet it’s the system we are part of
Who gets the most and the least
Then we act like it’s heavenly
When it’s worldly evident
When will we connect our brains and our hearts
When will we see our interconnectivity
When will we be wealthy enough to share
When will we be wise enough to care
Will quantum artificial intelligence save our souls?
Bring the cost down to zero
Saved forevermore
© 2022 Ashley Heacock