The Heart’s Song
Photo by Aziz Acharki
A client of mine recently came to me frustrated and exhausted. She wanted to connect with her family but something was getting in the way.
After some digging, we discovered she had been playing a game of pool in her mind, seeing family as opponents. She was telling fatalistic stories and running low on hope.
Some people see life as a game, one with strategy and opponents where you can win or lose. Others may see life more as a mosaic or masterpiece.
Each of us has a mental model of our relationships, whether it be with family, friends or the world. It may be unconscious, or it could be a conscious blueprint for the way we live. Either way, it becomes the playground for our interactions.
During our session, an alternative metaphor of an orchestra surfaced, where we are all our own unique instrument, harmonizing together and playing our part (listen to the quantum healing session here).
How does our orchestra harmonize together?
Harmonization is about listening. I sing my song, you sing yours, and let’s see what becomes of our melody. Maybe we could create something, or perhaps simply just be with each other in peaceful surrender. Every interaction will have its own beauty and characteristics. You may connect immediately with some people, while with others you may need more practice sessions. How you resonate with each instrument will be different with your mom than with your friend, different with your dad than your coworker, different with your grandmother than your neighbor. If you add a member or take on a new role, the chemistry will change, maybe a little, or perhaps fundamentally.
While we are talking in metaphors, it is also real. The metaphysics of relationships venture into scientific theories of resonance, frequency, and harmony. You have an energetic field surrounding your body that gives off information about yourself. Who you connect to and in what way is determined by this field of energy.
As an energy healer, I’m able to see these fields. An engineer will have geometry in their field. A Native American may have a beautiful warrior spirit or dancer in their field. I’ve seen The Bible and Hindu Vedas in people’s fields. I can see what chakras are closed or open. We all can easily tell if somebody appears healthy, or if they are depressed or elated. Just by the sound of somebody’s voice you can guess what song is living inside them.
The important question then becomes: are you aware of what song you are singing?
Songs are frequencies. They are a synthesis of our stories, thoughts, emotions, intentions, capabilities, knowledge, behaviors, and beliefs.
We’re always playing something, and our tone of voice and facial gestures usually give it away. Even when we’re silent, our body language and energy field give clues to how we are feeling. It is when you are at zero point (no mind, present time) that you are in your “flow state,” or in your body and able to deeply connect with the heartbeat of others.
Once you are comfortable with your song, then you can begin “surfing”. There are frequency wave channels that we frequent to meet other people or organizations we have resonance with whether that is romantically, cooperatively, or spiritually. People who are familiar with the law of attraction know that your intentionality is paramount to receiving gifts from the universe. We can be magnetized somewhere to meet that perfect person for us, if we are aligned and listening.
Therefore, are you in the light of your heart when interacting or are you in the clouds of your mind?
How can you sing a higher-vibrational song?
Even if we’ve known our family or friends our whole life, sometimes it takes a new blueprint, perspective, or instrument to transform a relationship.
In client sessions, I’ve found five things can dampen the melody of your song: expectations, trying too hard/acting, negativity/complaining, fatalism, and being judgmental.
Expectations are different from intentions, in that expectations carry a weight of burden whereas intentions are a heart’s Light song. Expectations are of the mind: “My connection should be like this with my family,” or “I want it to be like that.” This temper tantrum can ruin any orchestra!
Typically, and thankfully, the harder you try, the further you drift from authentic relating. Instead of listening to the song of the other person, you are trying to make one up for them, or you alter your own song in ways that are hardly recognizable as “you” anymore. What’s the solution? Letting go! Stop trying and start listening, loving, and Being!
We can also destroy a harmony through complaining, judging, or by telling negative stories, such as, “This will never work out,” or “This person is always like this,” instead of leaving the door open for the heart of possibility. Feel the feelings, let go of the thoughts. Process your pain, move forward with positivity. Remember the Serenity Prayer: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.
My client started off with fatalism, and shortly after our session, experienced a miracle after a lifetime of struggle, but she had to be ready to accept a new song, and a new orchestra!
How do you practice Presence?
To beautify your song, you simply have to practice Presence. What does that mean? The five ways to a heightened melody are: Being in your Heart, authentic relating/letting go, silence and Presence, openness to possibility, and listening.
Presence is that peaceful, loving state of calm. You are in your heart’s song; in the truth of who you are. You are not trying to strategize how to get anyone to like you, or judging whether you like the other person. Rather, you are in a state of being. There is no game. You are being effortlessly you and allowing others to be honestly themselves too.
Notice what your intention is and if you are trying to act in a certain way. Are you wanting something from the other person, or are you being receptive and genuine? Are you allowing room for listening, receiving, and giving? Allow the song that wants to play between you and another person with an open heart and a clear mind.
When the storms of the mind depart, then the sun can shine. When the dark, low-frequency stories leave, you can be in the Light of your body. When the clashes soften, you can finally hear the Heart’s orchestra all around you.
What is your blueprint for the way you live?
Are you playing a game or in an orchestra? Are you creating a mosaic, masterpiece, or play? Is your blueprint about God, sex, money, or family? Are you in survival mode? Does your blueprint center around love, forgiveness, compassion, and gratitude? Perhaps your blueprint mirrors the seven chakras: safety, belonging, power, love, expression, creativity, and spirituality? What is your guiding light? What makes you move and gives you motivation? What are you inspired by and passionate about? To what tune does your heart beat?
Please comment below!
Visit for more guidance, meditations, and healings by Ashley Heacock. Listen to the quantum healing session this article references here.