Where Does Love Come From?

Photo by Khadeeja Yasser

A child might ask

Why are we here
Does anyone care?
Where does Love come from?

An adult might say

We have metaphors and evidence

Like Earth in all her giving
Like a Mother and her child
Like the bosom that never runs dry

Like a Father to All
Creator of the Universe
Who is always there for you and wants the best for me

We have epics and tragedies

Like the Bible in all its humbling lessons
Like the Bhagavad Gita in its exquisite explanations
Like the Lakota in their dream-like histories

We have science and spirituality

Like a brain
Of woven tapestries
Light bodies
Lines for love to follow
Veins leading to neural endings
A Heart
With emotionality

We have animals and plants

Like the animals that care enough to share
Like the cooperation of trees drinking from the same water source
Like the sun that shines on everybody

We have human actions

Like special care for the disabled
Like affordable housing for the poor
Like forests set aside for millennia

A human might say

We’ve learned about love
We’ve grown in love
We’re crazy about love

An alien might ask

Where does your love come from?
Why are you loving?

And I would tell them this story.

​© 2022 Ashley Heacock


Spiritual Awareness


Mother Gaia