A Lesson in Karma on Imprisoning Black, White, and Brown People in America

The world kind of behaves as if there is no God, doesn’t it?

Like little children, we bomb, kill and destroy. 

We think, nothing will ever befall me!

I am mighty!


Then the earth gives you a little wake-up call.

Your guns and the patriarchy are actually a sign of circumcision. (Please stop this practice, it is old and outdated, it was because things were dirty. Just take more showers! Then you’ll have more enjoyment at your tip!)

You were cut off from your loins, your feelings, your heart.


Now, those guns that killed all those Lakota Sioux American Indians are putting the Real Philosophy of God back at them at full speed.

If you kill the Amazon Rainforest, we will no longer be able to breathe!


If you really want to seek salvation, Know God, and open your heart, perhaps go out in nature, listen to the children, read Holy Sacred Texts.

Imprisoning a person for cannabis/meth/etc. is actually a crime against God (Note to all the police people out there, because it is your karma to bear, and if you are an administrator seeking them to put more people in jail for the jail industry to grow in money, that is also your disgusting karma to bear, that God Knows about, FYI.). 

You are stealing that person’s life away, putting them into a tiny cubicle to be in misery, while his or her family goes broke, cries, and who knows what else befalls them. 

That little gun is not that person’s loins. Maybe try wrestling a Gorilla to get your testosterone up. 


God is Love. Whatever happens in this world, know that those who may think they’re in authority because they have weapons, is actually untrue. The Only Truth and Authority is God’s Love, forever and always. 


All that poor people really need is food, shelter, water. A home, love, a farm.

But our sick society believes it’s best to lock them up???

Where are the mothers?

Where are the churches?

Where are the people with the Logic of Love who can help?

Here is my proposal. I am seeking collaboration. 

Email me at ashleyheacock@gmail.com 

The Problem:


The Solution:


My Project:


The Solution for Projects around the Globe:


If you have feedback, insights, unique ideas, or anything else you would like to share, please comment or send me an email at ashleyheacock@gmail.com 


Evolutionary Evidence of Circumcision (I)


More Questions and Logic and for Ya