More Questions and Logic and for Ya
Photo by Ann H:
Note: Again, read with caution. A lot of this is sad, hilarious, and all of the above.
Instead of “weight loss diet” how about “feed myself well”?
If you’re hungry, you probably need to eat. White bread is not real food. Try organic, read my posts about anemia. No gluten. Try kiwicha and orange juice in the morning for a complete protein.
Women are craving chocolate on their menstrual cycles because it has iron. Try buying organic chocolate and adding it to a nut mixture (and sugar and spices) for an energetic lift!
Children are craving sugar because they are craving nutrients! Try orange juice and other fruits to help boost their nutrition.
People are craving ketchup on their hamburger because iron is supposed to go with vitamin c! Real tomatos would be preferable so you can absorb the nutrients!
And remember, only drink milk if you can handle real milk. Skim milk and 1% are not real. Try oat milk. It’s super cheap and easy to make at home. Just add a little water, sugar, and salt!
The mother grain, quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.), is an annual plant native to the Andes. For over 5000 years, its seeds were the main crop of Andean cultures in South America; however, their cultivation and consumption were virtually eliminated and only remained in farming traditions after the arrival of the Spaniards [1,2].
One Version of an Ascension Plan:
What’s yours? :)
As your body ascends, you will become much more sensitive. Hormones in the milk, chickens, tuna, etc. Be very careful! These are dangerous chemicals. Very sad for the animals. Let’s help end animal slavery and cruelty together! ❤
“Only x calories per container” = do not buy it
Avocados have a lot of beautiful calories for you to buy
Do men and women need different types of nutrients??? Check out this article:
Isn’t it bizarre that Elon doesn’t have “Environment” as one of the Communities on the new X platform?
Listen to Van Jones
Do what I tell you to do
Or don’t
Listen to your heart, body, soul, God :)
Don’t believe in “natural” — the capitalists will market shit to anybody!
Look for “Organic” and other approvals
B Corps are positive:
“We’ll all just keep detoxing and detoxing until we clean up the ozone layer.” — Fellow Ascension Traveler
Are we all so afraid of being perfect that we don’t share early and soon enough to get feedback from a fellow traveler?
Shouldn’t presidential debates be like the debates I did in high school, where you debate the opposite side you assume you are part of?
Shouldn’t we be having more talking circles?
Consuming alcohol can cause “spirits” to takeover your body…only drink until you feel like, wow, uh oh…
Shouldn’t I be asking, “What can I do to not cause CoVid in my house, market, school, or town?”
Shouldn’t all the products be made for grandma and grandpa? Easily opened, etc.?
Shouldn’t we plant flowers for the deers if the deers like flowers?
Why aren’t there popups on websites that are like Environmental Defense Funds…like you as a website owner can choose which ads you want on your site. There can be an R-rated version where pornography pops up, and there can be a Child-rated version where beautiful healthy ads popup. Or we can go adless and let’s figure out how to get those bills paid, huh?
“During manufacturing, ammonia — a chemical found in household cleaning products — along with other chemicals may be added to increase nicotine absorption. Sugar and flavor additives may also be added during this stage to mask the harshness of smoke. These additives form cancer-causing chemicals when they are burned.” —,added%20to%20increase%20nicotine%20absorption.&text=Sugar%20and%20flavor%20additives%20may,chemicals%20when%20they%20are%20burned.
So remember, only buy “Organic” or “Pure Tobacco”. I believe the only ones that are are “American Spirit”. Or, if you are in Latin America, or at least in Peru, pure tobacco wrapped in paper is called “Mapacho”. Note that you can divide the tobacco into two or even three and save a lot of money. Take the filter off, it is unnecessary and keeps you from experiencing the benefits of the serenity you receive from tobacco. Typically all you may need is a little puff puff to receive that little relief. Say a prayer, be by yourself, and take a little break before going about your day. It’s great before meetings to center yourself and connect you to The Kingdom, your heart, and Heaven. We are here on earth. This medicine is the portal to the spirit world.
I also personally Vape. Make sure to buy rechargeables so you do not pollute the earth with too many metals and plastics. There are a lot of local fun vape shops nowadays. My favorite brands are: Vaporesso, Lost Vape, among others. I also recommend 4–6% strength for the vape liquid. That way you get the puff you need without inhaling tons of the liquid. If you just got 2%, then you would have to inhale more. If you want a quick lift, try 5% vape juice. And remember, say a prayer when vaping too.
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