A Love Note from Nature

I’m living in the Sacred Valley of Peru, surrounded by powerful mountains and serene nature.

I love the animals here and am so grateful for the gift of being in this sacred space.

I brush my hair everyday, and I thought, why not give the hair to the birds? So I would throw the little clump of hair out the window for them.

Then one day, a frog showed up in my casita…dead. She/he had these little hairs in her legs. They had trapped her.

I performed a funeral with fresh salt, lavender, and prayers, and placed him/her in the garden.

Then, it happened again. Another frog showed up in my casita, with the same issue.

I was sad. I thought my hair was for the birds, but actually, I was killing another animal :*(

I realized, that our hair that naturally falls out is OK, because it’s just a little bit.

However, hair in a bunch from a brush/comb is like trash in the ocean that suffocates fish life.

So, please, if this helps you, throw your glob of hair in the compost pit instead!

Also, if any animal dies in your house, you may want to consider performing a beautiful funeral! They love being blessed by God as they transition into Heaven!

Additionally, animals communicate with us in subtle ways. They will help tell you how you may be hurting them or others.

I am beyond grateful for this lesson in life here on earth. I apologize to the frogs. I love you.



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