Circumcision is about Poverty and Cleanliness (IV)

This is not about cutting men’s genitals off to prevent STDs, this is about Intelligent and Compassionate People stepping up to Solve Poverty and Issues of Uncleanliness Worldwide.

There is medical research that exists online that I will not site because it is deceptive. It talks about how men who get circumcised end up with less STDs.

However, it’s extremely misleading.

It’s kind of like the funny story of where I’m from in South Dakota. Instead of the government investing in helping people out of poverty, they invest in billboard signs that tell people to not do meth. But if you’re in poverty, then you need food, shelter, care, water; not billboard signs telling you you’re a horrible person.

So with circumcision, it is a historical practice that originated with Judaism. You can read about it in Genesis and do your research. You can also read about it in my Circumcision Series Part II. Jesus came to the world and said God no longer required men to cut their genitals off. Salvation is achieved through Faith in Christ alone. Read His Word in the Bible.

So what can the government do to help stop the spread of STDs rather than cut men’s genitals off?

Here are a few suggestions:

  • Showering daily at least

  • Cleaning your shoes and feet ~ tea tree oil helps

  • Showering after intercourse

  • Being cautious with who you choose to have intercourse with; do you actually Love them???

  • Helping women out of prostitution; mining areas are filled with it

  • Governments or the UN can help pay for hot water showers for people who are too poor to be able to shower daily

  • Laundry facilities that are free, help for those who need new clean clothes, especially the homeless

  • You may not think this could ever affect you. But…wait…what about COVID? Now are you scared? Now do you care? Any place that is infested with poverty-ridden people and places can end up with diseases. It’s that plain and simple.

Is this a little more complicated, but more compassionate, logical, and intuitive than cutting off the most sensitive part of your human body?

Is this bizarre to you yet???

While it may be difficult to help people in poverty with STDs, cutting off their genitals is a cruel decision.

You may want to now read about my Global Solutions to end Poverty:

Circular Eco Economy

This Article is Written by:

Ashley Heacock

MIT Sloan School of Management, MBA
Harvard Kennedy School, MPA
The George Washington University, BA Economics, BA International Relations

My Website for Organizational Consulting and Personal Healing Sessions:


Our New World free of Circumcision Could be Compassionate (V)


Circumcision, Female Genital Mutilation, and Male Genital Mutilation (III)