Our New World free of Circumcision Could be Compassionate (V)
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When our genitals are not cut off, what is possible for our future of love?
If you have been following this series, then the title of this article may make sense.
I am a karma researcher.
I wrote in Part I:
“I believe this is why Jonah was the defector among Jesus’s disciples. If the loins of God was cut off, so was Compassion. Hence, Jesus also caused a ruckus in the market.
But it was not his fault. He was God. The Father told him everything that would happen, and he told his disciples so.
With the loins of men cut off, so was brotherhood. Hence, war, poverty, etc.
Prophet Mohammad, the last prophet of the Abrahamic faith, was tasked with helping to solve this conundrum.
He gave certain suggestions, one mainly being cleaning yourself before prayer, five times a day. You clean your feet, your legs, your arms, your hands. This practice could help save men from having to be circumcised.
The Christians also broke free from this practice due to Christ. There were many rules at the time. Hundreds. People were being manipulated, conned, and deceived. So, Christ was born.
Christ told the public, the only Law is Love.
Therefore, the Christians broke free from this tradition of circumcision, but the Jews stayed circumcised due to their tradition.
The Christians migrated North and in the future, they started manufacturing and showering. Therefore, they no longer needed to be circumcised.”
This is our history, people. It may be difficult to read for some people. That The Father would Sacrifice His Son. That he would be circumcized, therefore, unable to fulfill Ascension. The most sensitive loving part of his loins would be cut off. Therefore, one of the disciples would go against him. And he would be angry in the market, and then killed. That is karma. That is what happened because his loins were cut off.
Therefore, we need to end this cycle of the negative karma of circumcision now.
It is outdated. Anarchic. Disgusting.
This is about poverty, showering, using what we built to be clean.
We reached the American Dream. Now people are bored. The 1% own all the wealth.
It is time to help get people out of poverty.
This means, investing in:
Hot water showers for everybody around the world to prevent STDS
Cleaning up markets everywhere around the world to prevent another COVID
Food, shelter, water, love, care; The Christ Way
Sustainable, Organic, Community-Centered Farms
Something similar to a Compassion Network where people are given funds to do good in the world for people and planet
Also, get this ~ Israel is one of the largest scientific research centers for STEM Cell Research
Is that a coincidence, a synchronicity, or spirituality?
Could they be doing this on a multidimensional level, not even realizing that they are doing this in order to grow their penises back?
“Israel’s prominence in stem cell research has been confirmed by a German study, conducted by the Central Library of the Research Center Julich, which shows that it is the leading publisher of stem cell research per capita in the world.
According to the report, which covers the years 2000-2004, Israel publishes 113 articles per every 1 million citizens, a ratio that exceeds any other country in the world. Israel is followed in rank by Sweden, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Austria. The US places at sixth, though it comes in first when judged by sheer volume alone at 13,663 articles compared to Israel’s 690.” - Israel 21c
This Article is Written by:
Ashley Heacock
MIT Sloan School of Management, MBA
Harvard Kennedy School, MPA
The George Washington University, BA Economics, BA International Relations
My Website for Organizational Consulting and Personal Healing Sessions: awakeningconsciousness.community
Email: ashleyheacock@gmail.com
Read the Series on Circumcision and Female Genital Mutilation here:
Evolutionary Evidence of Circumcision (I)
The Law of God and Circumcision (II)
Circumcision, Female Genital Mutilation, and Male Genital Mutilation (III)
Circumcision is about Poverty and Cleanliness (IV)
Our New World free of Circumcision Could be Compassionate (V)