Common Sense? Or Not?

Note: the following may feel sensitive, hilarious, sad, etc. Breathe deeply. Feel into your heart and God while reading.

  1. Alcohol is likely the problem. Or … But not cannabis >3

  2. Humans tend to like to blame that which is not the actual problem because they do not understand.

  3. Did you know that antiperspirant is actually a cause of cancer? It blocks your glands from sweating. It blocks your heart. Instead, try alcohol or vinegar with essential oils.


  5. If you have strong muscles, give firm massages.

  6. If you are a female, you may want to try Polarity Therapy and Craniosacral Unwinding or Reiki and Energy Healing, which are softer practices for your delicate hands and very powerful at relaxing at the same time.

  7. Did you know that Zakat in Islam is donating 2.5% of your wealth to charity?

  8. Why don’t the Saudis help Palestine? Maybe something like this?

  9. This is just such a beautiful family article:

  10. Can we make the internet more friendly for grandma and grandpa?

  11. Who made the sun? God.

  12. So, everything is of God.

  13. What is Huxley’s Soma?


  15. “When asked about his spiritual gifts of healing, bilocation, prophecy, and stigmata, Padre Pio replied, “You know, they are a mystery to me, too.” While you might think he is just being modest, he’s actually getting at the heart of how the Holy Spirit works in every Christian’s life. We can’t fully understand why God gives us certain gifts, but as we walk with Christ, we can engage with this mystery and journey towards holiness.”

  16. If you’d like to improve your teleportation skills, or if you’re too afraid to walk on water, then you can also learn Chi Gong.

  17. Cutting off babies’ genitals is kind of a thing of the past. Male circumcision was used when we didn’t have regular showers. Female genital mutilation is/was used when they were trying to make women non-sexual. Keeping your and your babies’ genitals in tact will allow them to experience sexual pleasure. It is part of being a human being.

  18. Did you ever believe the United States government was not corrupted by the capitalistic plastic cotton industries?

  19. Hemp is not Cannabis.

  20. Hemp can be refined into a variety of commercial items, including paper, rope, textiles, clothing, biodegradable plastics, paint, insulation, biofuel, food, and animal feed.

  21. Hemp was legalized in the United States in 2018.


  23. What’s so evil about plastic? It never goes away: Travel 10,000 years in a time machine; you’ll enter a different world. Only one thing won’t change. Plastic will still be there, blocking the earth’s arteries.

  24. Why don’t South Dakota farmers of hemp team up with Sioux Falls’ manufacturing and biosciences experts to create biodegradable plastics from hemp? Keep the profits in the state!

  25. We thought it was the patriarchy, but actually it was circumcision.

  26. Did you know that Wisdom is Sophia? I.e. where’s Grandma?

  27. Did you know that to not get another virus we need to clean all of the markets? Separate meats from produce, etc.

  28. Did you know that the cap on Jews is actually a sign of their sacrifice…their circumcision.

  29. Top prize for enabling their cellular structure to grow

  30. However, you must not be circumcized to work with neutrinos. Ideally, a Jane.

  31. Did you know that The Matrix was right? The Oracle. Grandma.

  32. FYI Burger King has vegetarian burgers that are incredible!

  33. It should be illegal for men to teach children under the age of around 7. Elementary school kids are still in the mothering stage. Too much male can make them nervous and scared. Less instructional materials that tell teachers how to teach. Less tests. More love. More art. More play. More creativity! The mother teachers can allow the children to be free to be who they are. In more advanced stages of life, perhaps a male teacher, when the child is ready. Otherwise, that would be hurting the child’s development. As love comes first.

  34. Males can be part of the administration and exercise and orchestra and art and forestry and hiking and gardening and language classes, etc. However, home base for the child should likely be with a mother.

  35. Little boys if taught too young by a male figure can end up with egotism, homosexuality, or etc. because they are not supposed to grow up and be a man that quickly. So they either would become an ego maniac to try to please the teacher or turn to homosexuality for a softer approach.

  36. Remember, cannabis is not the problem. Alcohol and poverty are.

  37. Organic healthy loving farms are the solution.

  38. Why don’t they ban prostitution on Facebook? Do you know what I see on the community sites of Peru?

  39. Did you know they are banning Palestinian posts on Facebook?

  40. Who should be in charge of Facebook, as it is a global platform?

  41. Maybe don’t hire an expensive consulting firm. Perhaps, talk to Martha.

  42. We have already learned what schooling taught us in the last 100 years. Souls are coming back to Earth and probably just need a little refresher. Then they’ll accelerate!

  43. Autism, depression, and anxiety are likely a sign of the school system not being proper for children.

  44. Does anybody know if pigs, cows, and chickens should be in cold weather? What should the temperature be? Men were bringing all sorts of things everywhere. Were cows and pigs supposed to be cold?

  45. I believe we should start measuring the warmth of animals everywhere. If you cannot have a warm house and a lovely garden or farm for them, then you probably don’t know how animals like to be treated.

  46. You can read more about the Amazon here (caution, your heart may cry):

  47. Do you think that there is global warming because vaginas are cold? With all that colonialism and moving about perhaps some people and animals should live in warmer climates. It’s all related! Our thoughts create our reality!

  48. Did you know that some animals like to be treated like princesses?

  49. I am here for you and you are here for me. Just like the birds and the bees.

  50. Before getting a divorce, perhaps take a break. A solo weekend trip fishing or hiking or painting.

  51. Did you know that your ego is actually probably kinda similar to overstretching.

  52. Do you think we should start calculating how much energy we get from “wheat” “rice” and “soy”? Could we do better? How much energy does yucca or macca give a person? How much energy does it deplete or give to the land, water, carbon, oxygen, other species?

  53. The beginning is actually similar to a feather.

  54. Did you know that the Handmaids Tale is related to the trauma of not having mothers or fathers? Men wanting women with breast implants is them wanting a mother. Breast implants lead to prostitution.

  55. Love yourself! Or find somebody who loves you!

  56. So what about that drug trade in Nord Afric? How about Goldman Sachs?

  57. I’m not sure if people should be police men or women if they do not love black people.

  58. Because all the black people are put in jail, and lose their fathers.

  59. And it’s just about the beautiful herb called Santa Maria.

  60. Remember, we are actually all black people LOL…evolution

  61. Should we send the police in Alabama to the elevators of Goldman Sachs?

  62. Anti-stress = Longer chords

  63. Do you believe that Microsoft was the brain of Gates given to the entire earth ?

  64. Did you know that people rape each other when they do not have access to tobacco?

  65. Did you know that to not be raped, try to meditate, surrender, and become empty.

  66. Did you know that to not get COVID again we need to clean up all the markets?




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