Creating a Socially Maximally Beneficial Energetic Currency Distribution System

We all want to reach the Societally Maximally Beneficial Intersection Point of Giving and Receiving Energy in this Quantum Intelligent Super Computer we all are One and Connected Together in (read more about Quantum Entanglement here).

This will entail creating a new currency system based upon current and new technologies such as bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

It will calculate everything! Where did the product come from, how was the Earth treated, how were the people treated? What were the consequences of this resource created? We can begin modeling these new currency and social welfare systems off of how Life, Energy, and the Universe functions.

For instance, currently the United States receives all the benefits from products made in the rest of the world, but at a cost of devastating pollution and harm to the environment and people. We must realize we are All One, i.e “Quantum Entangled.” The greed and pain of the United States needs to be calculated. As people come into their Hearts, we will not need such a massive consumerist economy. As we understand Nature and new AI quantum technologies come to the fore, we will advance towards more efficiencies in all that we create. Products will become harmonious with Nature, as we Become harmonious with how the Universe works. Nothing will be treated as “waste” but rather all will be respected, recycled, reused, and repurposed.

In this new bitcoin cryptocurrency, those who Value Nature and Human Beings will be rewarded. Those who destroy others and the world will be brought to the awareness of Society, and the People can choose who they support by what they buy, where they live, and who they support.

When all is Known, people can make Choices that reflect their Heart and Soul, and that will be recorded. Those in poverty versus those who are in power is Known to God. Be Truthful in your Choices, in Integrity in your Behaviors, and Listen to Your Body. The subatomic quantum realm knows if you are in Love or your ego (read more here)!

New technologies will allow God to create a more Just World for All by allowing this Free Flowing of Information. Who is Harming? Who is Doing Good? Where are we destroying each other and the environment? Where are we Cooperating and Supporting Each Other and this Precious Earth we Live On?

With the rise of artificial and quantum intelligence, we will also create massive economies of scale that will not only take away jobs, as it already has done, but this will also lead to great amounts of wealth for those who create it.

These monetary benefits will need to be redistributed to All. We will experience an Enlightenment Period never before seen in the history of the World as we come together as One. Not only will health and education be free for all, but also Food, Shelter, Water, and all the basics a person needs to feel Calm in their Bodily System so they can Flower into their Destiny.

We will evolve from treating people as cogs in a wheel to feed the industrial system to treating each other as Divine Human Souls who deserve what they need to feel Loved so they can Flourish.

Currently AI bots reflect a population that is quite ugly, racist, sexist, and hateful. As we treat Humans with more Love, artificial intelligence will reflect our evolution. Technology can be used for good or bad, just as any governmental system can be. What matters is the intentionality behind it. How Wise and Loving are the people who are creating and ruling over these systems? All is a reflection of our consciousness level!

The speed of our spiritual consciousness thus must evolve in tangent with the speed of our technologies. Are we Healed? Or wounded? People of Wisdom, Spirituality, Love, and Science need to come to the forefront to Lead this Great Era of Earth into a Heightened State of Love, Freedom, Innovation, and Truth.

For instance, quantum physicists have found that every particle is “determined that it is going to keep on moving in exactly the same way as it was before.” This is similar to the notion of karma, habits, ancestry, and politics.

What does it take to move your energy in a new direction? A new book, a video, a prophet, a scripture, a sign, a friend, a special opportunity, food, shelter, water; Love in all its different forms!

How are we energizing people with Love? How are we in a scarcity mindset and not giving energies more freely to people? What could We All Become if we opened up Our Hearts, used new technologies, and transitioned into the Higher Dimensions of ourselves to create an entirely new Reality here on Earth and Beyond?

Scientists understand that energy does not really come from anywhere. It is a Quantum Fluctuation. We are all in a Vacuum. We are all One. It is an energetic construct of Giving and Receiving. It is a self-contained, self-balancing system of the Universe. These constraints are teaching us to evolve towards Love.

Where is our energy flowing or not flowing? How are we being Fed? Are we learning and growing in beautiful ways? Is the governmental and economic system allowing us to be calm and healthy so we can all reach our potential? Are we treating each other with Love and Dignity?

What is the Energetic Potential of the Earth when we are able to Give and Receive Knowledge, Information, and Love freely?

The Ancient Egyptians saw the sacred geometric structures of Nature and that is how they flourished. They saw the patterns and the synchronicities. They were logical and scientific, while at the same time deeply spiritual and connected to the Truth of the Universe. How can we do the same, using our new science and technologies to calculate all the Information of Giving and Receiving, Destruction and Creation on Earth, along with a New Spirituality that understands our Quantum Entangled, Quantum Vaccuum Universe of Giving and Receiving the Energy of Love?

The Free Energy Revolution is upon us. It will take scientists understanding that we live in an Emotional Universe, a Subatomic Quantum Intelligent Supercomputer, where we are all Connected through Mathematics and the Sacred, Loving Design of the Universe — that we are all Souls living in our own simulations, we are all our own Sacred DNA Geometric Coded Sequences, Here to Unite, Forgive, Love, and Flourish into the Beautiful Flower of Life that we are all part of and come from!

Scientists can now begin to create a Universal Basic Equation. How are we all derivatives of each other, expanding outwards in fractal energy from Source, Origin, the Big Bang, God, the One? How do we all Equal One, One Basic Universal Truth in Love? How are we all Givers and Receivers of Energy in this Quantum Fluctuated, Entangled Sacred Geometric Star Grid of Information? How can we build a cryptocurrency that reflects this Giving and Receiving of Energy in a way that is mathematically Harmonious?

Do you have ideas or insights on how to make this idea become a reality? Do you or somebody you know want to help build this system? Please reach out to me at


Entering The Kingdom of Heaven