Entering The Kingdom of Heaven

Jesus came to the world at a time when there were many rules for people to follow. People were getting taken advantage of by those in positions of power who held those rules. Jesus was revolutionary. He said you don’t need any of these hundreds of rules to reach God. All you need is Love!

We currently live in a similar situation. If you want to fit into American society, there are many subtle rules one must follow. Perhaps you may believe if you’re a woman, you must wear makeup, curl your hair, and always look completely perfect and presentable. You may believe if you’re a man, you need to make sure you have a high paying job, are cool, smart, and always stoically brave.

These unwritten societal rules we have set up for each other can separate us from our intrinsic worthiness in the eyes of God. If you “buy in” to the conditioned beliefs of society about what makes a human being worthy or not, you will likely find yourself depressed, anxious, and overwhelmed. This is the state of our society!

It is time for a Revolution of the Heart!

America can be the freest society, or it can be the most imprisoned depending on how you look at it. Yes, you are free to do many things. But do you feel free inside? Are you enslaved to a cultural system that puts you in a box of good and bad? Or are you free to be a spiritual being of Love, no matter what your identity or form may be? Do you love and accept yourself, just as You Are?

You can start to heal your beliefs of unworthiness by raising your awareness of untruthful patterns you received from your ancestral line. Feel into forgiveness. Have compassion for the egoic pain of fear and separation the person you are angry at is under. They may be trapped in a world of conditioned-based love. YOU can choose to break the cycle. YOU can come into Freedom and the Unconditional Love of God, for yourself, others, and the world!

It is time to stop trying to receive your worth from earthly fallible human beings who may only be able to give you conditioned-based love dependent upon their consciousness level and expansiveness towards love. It is time to look to The Kingdom of God for that Unconditional Love you seek.

“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.” Jesus’s Love for others was a reflection of the Love he felt from The Father. Your societally-conditioned parents cannot accept and love you unconditionally. Only God can do that.

Until you come into this intrinsic worthiness of Unconditional Love, you may remain on the hamster wheel of society, trying to prove yourself and fit in each and every day to rules that don’t reflect your truth. The hamster wheel can be a trap of the ego. It may be the conditioned mind telling you, if only you were a little bit smarter, a little bit thinner, a little bit cooler. Then, you would be loved. Can you see how this is a sly trick of the mind?

In reality, this inauthenticity is separating yourself further and further away from the Truth of the Love of God, the Truth of Who You Are. It separates you further from Loving yourself In This Moment.

This is why coming into your Heart is so important. This is where you will find Peace in the Now. Not when or if. No calculations. No rules. Just Love. Now. This is where the Kingdom of Heaven resides.

The Heart cannot be conditioned. The mind can. The mind is like a computer that can be programmed, changed, manipulated. The Heart is where God resides and cannot be programmed, because it Just Is! Love! Love can never be broken or destroyed. Your Connection with Source Always Is. All you have to do is Feel!

Consider that we are living in an upside down world, where most people seek validation through others and the world to justify their sense of self, which is transient, conditional, and largely transactional, rather than through the Unconditional, Everlasting, Ever Present Love of God.

“Truly I say to you, it is hard for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” — Matthew 19:23

If you are tied to your resume, your wealth, or your job it may be more difficult for you to Remember the Unconditional Love of God. If you are tied to the accomplishments and rewards of this world, if may be difficult to Remember. If you believe “success” in any way you deem it will grant you love, it may be difficult to Remember.

What if you looked to your own Heart and felt the Truth of your own worthiness? That would mean empowerment! That would mean no longer buying into a an unhealthy system of addiction, prescription pills, pornography, overconsumption, beer, and bodily implants. It would mean no longer being a victim to the waves of trends of what is good and bad in society. It would mean loving Yourself, as You Are, Right NOW! Not when you get the breast implants. Not when you get the job. Not when you have a partner. Not when xyz happens. That can be a trap. The ego always thinks it needs more. The Heart is ready Now! Right Now! To Love! Be Love! All you have to do is feel!

The Heart is beyond time and space. It does not know color, religion, nationality. It is beyond sense and meaning. It feels. What is your State of Being? How loving are you? How fearful are you? Can we help each other heal towards more Love and Connection?

This is why we are here! To help each other Remember our inherent worthiness. That we Are Unconditional Love! We are Beyond any form or identity. The Heart Knows.

Your ego, however, may get trapped believing it is its resume. You may feel good or bad about that. However, what is on your resume does not last. Your State of Being does. You take your soul learnings of the experience of love when you pass. You either expand into more love, or you may repeat the same painful patterns in other lifetimes until you “wake up” and “get it” that You Are Love!

Until then, you may suffer in pain because you believe you are unworthy due to what your parents, peers, coaches, celebrities, or politicians told you. It is time to stop idolizing an egoic society, and time to start listening to the Truth of Love in your Heart, God, The Kingdom of Heaven.

It is time for us to all Flower, come into our uniqueness, and love ourselves for our intrinsic worth as a Divine Being. You likely Know that your best friend has intrinsic worth. Why not Know that for yourself? For Everyone?

Knowing You Are Love is beyond belief. The reality is, you do not need to believe in anything to Know God! Actually, God does not wish for you to be forced into believing anything — that would not be loving or true. God wants you to feel, experience, and Know Love for Yourself! That is why we are here!

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.” — Matthew 5:3

It is completely OK if you feel low and down. That is when God can enter. When you give up the egoic world and surrender to the Divine, miracles can start to take place in your life. Suffering is the grounds for transmutation into higher consciousness. It’s an indication of a lack of love. The more you face your fears and release them, the more you can expand into Unconditional Love. The more you let go of who you “think” you are, good or bad, the more you can relax into Knowing Who You Are, The Truth of the Unconditional Love of God.

“Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” — Matthew 18:3

What does it mean to be like a child? Innocent. Pure. Loving. Authentic. Playful. Heart-based. This is Your Truth! Children can be raised to be soldiers or monks. Who we are before conditioning of the mind by the world is more in alignment with our Truth.

When you start to feel, then you can get in touch with your Inner Child, Your Truth, and start to make your way Home to the Kingdom of Heaven in Your Heart.

Honesty is what allows God to work with you. This innocence and pureness, this vulnerability, is what can allow the light to enter and heal your wounds. You can release your fear of not belonging, and start to build your connection with The Kingdom of God.

Then see what dreams and opportunities flow from this state of authenticity and alignment with your Heart. Then see how you feel. No rules. Just Unconditional Love!


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