Our New Age of Oneness and Empowerment

Men and women have gone through many great shifts on this planet, and it has varied culture by culture. Generally, in tribal societies, women and men played more of an equal role. It was communal. Decisions were made in a circle. These traditions were more feminine and in tune with nature. Then agriculture was discovered, and that is when we began to see the rise of men in a hierarchy and the growth of civilization. The industrial revolution heightened this patriarchal stance. Man began to conquer nature.

In today’s world, we see how this has affected the earth in some of the most devastating of ways to the land, water, and air. It also sent us out of balance as a species. Women have been enslaved to men. Men have been enslaved to the hierarchy. This drive for progress and achievement in this way has reached its tipping point.

Thankfully, the technological and scientific age we are now a part of is attempting to revert these shifts so we can come back into balance with nature. Techno-democratic movements have given voice to women and other minorities. Businesses are going green. All can be seen on the internet. The world is beginning to open up to new ways of doing things that are more harmonious for all.

These fresh waves have also led to many discussions about what it means to be a woman or a man, black or white, American or Chinese. There seem to be many power struggles happening, when in actuality we are finding our footing in this New Age of Oneness where All are in their Power. Why would we want it any other way?

Since the patriarchy has done great harm to many people and the planet, people predictably will rebel against the old. This may feel like an attack on men. However, it actually should be seen as an opportunity to step into the new for everybody! The feminine and the masculine in society have both been perverted. We are at a point where we can now discover what it really means to be Whole.

This age is about coming into Being. Technology has created the masculine infrastructure for the feminine to flourish in us all. The Divine Masculine holds the space, the foundation, for the Divine Feminine to dance safely and freely. Artificial Intelligence is creating a revolution that will free up so much energy for humans to devote more of their time to spiritual, personal, artistic, entrepreneurial pursuits.

It is no longer about how can I be like my father and get a job in the factory. It is about Who Am I, What is My Purpose, Where Am I Going?

This takes coming into your feminine to feel. No longer are we automatic conditioned robots of family and society. We are now able to create in inspiring, innovative ways! The masculine drive for progress created the grounds for the feminine to flourish. While we can see the damage, we can also see the opportunity.

This means forgiving the past so we can move forward into a beautiful new future!

There are plenty of ways for us to start cooperating across gender and culture. The earth has given us many projects to pursue to help her heal and flourish!

We still need to respect the conversations happening around free speech and identity. This is a natural process for society to evolve into a new balance that feels good for all. The polarity in the Universe of the old and the new must be honored. We must acknowledge tradition, while also expanding into fresh territory. Evolution is non-negotiable, however the Order of the Universe is also non-negotiable! Some people hold onto past ways of being while others challenge the system. It is a delicate balance. Pushed too far one way or another, war, terrorism, or revolution can result.

Take the conversations happening around gender for instance. There is a faction that is seeking to hold onto the tradition of man and woman. There is also a faction that is seeking to challenge that assumption. All feelings are valid.

Can we get to a point where we can respect that:

  • Yes, there is Woman and Man and that is how Creation takes place!

  • Yes, there are infinite permutations of what it means to be a Human!

Typically, when there is disenfranchisement, there is a swing to the other side. One man I talked to said he felt like a victim because masculinity was under attack. We are all going through a process to define what it means to be in our Sacred Masculine and Sacred Feminine. We are being given an opportunity to explore higher levels of consciousness beyond current norms.

This is a very spiritual process. It is about coming into our Full Power. Power is not a brittle self confidence. Power is being able to Know Who You Are. It is a softness, a gentleness. It is also strength, nobility. You do not need to prove yourself to anybody. You have overcome “the world” and have attained unity with your Divine Self.

In our modern age, we are being completely shaken up as to what it means to be a Human of any sort. Women began to make money so they no longer needed a man. The LGBTQ movement has also led to many questions of identity. People are migrating across borders and living all over the world. We are all getting mixed together in this Great Project of Oneness.

How a person embodies her or his True Self regardless of mind stories of identity is the key. Culture plays an enormous role in triggering the soft spots of the soul. How do we relate to each other? How do we compare ourselves to each other? What are the “rules” that our Hearts are seeking to transcend to be Free?

In some cultures, men hold hands who are friends. This is normal. In other cultures, that would be seen as homosexuality. In some cultures, women showing skin is seen as blasphemy. In others, it is seen as powerful. Societies create norms that people then follow along with. Unless you’ve Awakened and seek to revolt and be Free!

That is why we see Gay Pride Parades for instance. It is the Universe rebelling and saying I can be different!

There is also a faction that says I like my defined role as a Woman or a Man and I hold it in esteem. That is okay too! There is a broad spectrum of people in this world and all can be honored.

It is as if we are Awakening to the Great Diversity of the Universe. We are Awakening to the polarities, the constructs, the directions. What an exciting opportunity to understand who we are, where we come from, and where we are going!

In summary:

  • Honor tradition, honor the ways of the Universe, honor what has been and will be

  • Be open-minded to diversity, evolution, and new ways of Being

  • Forgive, empathize, feel, and heal ourselves and our planet

  • Create, connect, inspire, and come into an Empowered Sacred Masculine and Feminine

  • Flourish into our New Age of Oneness and Empowerment!

Ashley Heacock is a graduate of the Harvard Kennedy School and MIT Sloan School. She currently lives in the Sacred Valley of Peru where she can be reached for healings and retreats. Visit https://spiritualsanctuary.life/ to learn more.


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