Sustainable Plan with Cannabis for the Native American Community of South Dakota
Cannabis as a Unique Opportunity for the Oglala Sioux Tribe
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Here is the Table of Contents for this article. Feel free to skim, jump, or skip to another section that resonates more with you.
My Story
History of the Native Americans and Our Sovereignty
Cannabis as a Major Opportunity for Our Tribe
The Opportunity to Eliminate Plastics, Create Karma-Positive Solutions, and Build Innovative Green Technologies
Organic Sustainable Diverse Farming for Your Community
The True Story of Cannabis (Santa Maria) as a Healing Herb: Its Spiritual and Medicinal History
The Spirit of This Medicinal Herb
Santa Maria and Tobacco Shamaning Suggestions
Vision Quests in the Black Hills
My Story
I am from Rapid City, South Dakota. From a young age, I served soup to the homeless, mostly Native Americans. I also studied the history of genocide of the Native Americans and the aftermath. I went on an educational journey to the sacred sites of the Lakota with a guide. I started a Native American Heritage Month awareness event while an undergraduate student at The George Washington University.
I became a Medicine Woman after being awoken by the Spirit World after graduate school at The Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard. I then moved to the Sacred Valley of Peru to be in nature and follow the path of shamanism. I convened with plant and animal medicinas, including ayahausca, huachuma, kambo, bufo, among others. I also connected with the part of me that is also of Lakota origin. I am also of Asian, African, European, and everywhere else origin. However, due to rape during the wars in the land of Dakota, part of me has Native American blood.
I recently have been writing about the earth dying due to patriarchy, egotism, greed, and consumerism. You can read my Medium articles here, or on my website
One you may want to read is Life Herself is Dying (The Amazon Rainforest)
I also am a researcher and have been on the spiritual path my entire life. I have learned from Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, the Tao Te Ching, the I Ching, Catholicism, Protestantism, Lakotaism, and while in Peru, Inkan and South American cultures and spirituality.
I was a volunteer in Rapid City, South Dakota at one point at Rural America Initiatives. It is an incredible program for Native American youth.
They speak of Lakota Values:
Respect (Wauonihan)
Generosity (Wacante Ognake)
Wisdom (Woksape)
Humility (Wahwala)
Compassion (Waunshila)
Service (Wawoihakikte)
Honesty (Wowicake)
As somebody who is concerned about the karma of the Lakota people, and aware of the genocide and aftermath of alcoholism of the Lakota people, and also is knowledgable about how this culture was then corrupted by a devil-oriented industry of Casino-ism, I would like to write about an exciting new opportunity for our people.
Since we are a sovereign entity as a Tribe, we are able to grow cannabis without repercussions. Since South Dakota again did not vote for the approval of this sacred medicine, we as a Tribe have an opportunity before us. Not only can we sell it as a sacred medicine, which I will talk more about below, but we also can grow hemp and create biodegradable plastics that are much more healthy for the environment. We can then sell these products. Instead of relying upon karmic-negative casino money, you can then produce karmic-positive cannabis products that are good for planet and people. This may then make more sense to you, your spirit, and your connection with Wakan Tanka. While our Tribe went through much suffering, this may be a new opportunity for creating a better life for our people.
History of The Native Americans and Our Sovereignty
Founding of The US Constitution, 1789
Indian Removal Act, 1830
The Trail of Tears, 1838–1839
Dawes Act, 1887
Indian Reorganization Act, 1934
Tribal Sovereignty
Cannabis Legalized by the Oglala Sioux Tribe in 2020
Founding of the US Constitution
“Yes, Native Americans influenced the drafting of the U.S. Constitution:
Iroquois Confederacy
The Iroquois Confederacy’s Great Law of Peace, an unwritten constitution, influenced the democratic principles of the U.S. Constitution. The confederation of the original 13 colonies into a republic was also modeled after the Iroquois Confederacy. Some historians credit Iroquois chief Canasatego with influencing Benjamin Franklin’s thinking about government.
Other Native American governments
The Cherokee and Haudenosaunee also practiced democratic forms of government that influenced the Founding Fathers. Thomas Jefferson studied Native systems of government and expressed admiration for them.
Formal recognition
In 1988, Congress passed a resolution formally acknowledging the influence of the Iroquois Confederacy on the U.S. Constitution. In 1987, the U.S. Senate also formally recognized this influence.” — Google AI
Indian Removal Act
“The negative treatment toward Natives grew more serious in 1830 with the institution of the Indian Removal Act: a law put into place allowing the federal government to displace Native Americans from their traditional tribal lands in order to sell the land off to white Americans. While there was a caveat that the Natives had to be provided new land to relocate to, this land was often hundreds of miles away from sacred grounds and were hundreds of times smaller than the open areas they used to roam as nomadic peoples. To make things worse, this new land provided as compensation was also the land the US government wanted the least because it was ill-equipped for farming or traditional Western settlements.” — Sarah Boomgarden, Lake Forest College
(My Note: This is why you may want to read on, because we were given awful land, but there is an opportunity for greenhouses, plus, hemp/cannabis does not require a lot of water, and probably could be grown on the land we own as a Sovereign Tribe.)
The Trail of Tears
“In 1838 and 1839, the US government forcibly removed the Cherokee people on a march that resulted in the deaths of approximately 4,000 Cherokees.” — Google AI
Dawes Act
“The Dawes Act, also known as the General Allotment Act or Dawes Severalty Act, was a law passed in 1887 that divided Native American tribal lands into individual plots:
The Dawes Act was intended to assimilate Native Americans into mainstream US society by breaking up tribal lands and encouraging Native Americans to farm and ranch.
The Dawes Act had many negative consequences, including:
Loss of land: Between 1887 and 1934, over 86 million acres of Native American land were sold to non-Natives.
Loss of access to resources: Native Americans lost access to traditional hunting, fishing, and gathering sites.
Loss of cultural traditions: The Dawes Act aimed to destroy Native American cultural and social traditions.
Poor land quality: The land allotted to individuals was often unsuitable for farming, such as desert or near-desert land.
Inheritance issues: Young children often inherited allotments that they could not farm, and multiple heirs could make allotments too small to farm effectively.” — Google AI
Indian Reorganization Act
“The Indian Reorganization Act (IRA) of 1934, also known as the Wheeler-Howard Act or the Indian New Deal, was a landmark piece of legislation that aimed to improve the lives of Native Americans:
Tribal land: The IRA ended the allotment of tribal lands, which had led to economic and cultural harm to tribal communities. It also established a process to restore lands to tribal ownership.
Tribal governance: The IRA recognized tribal governments and encouraged tribes to adopt constitutions and governing councils similar to those of the U.S. government.
Economic development: The IRA allowed tribes to incorporate businesses and established credit for Native farmers.
Education: The IRA set aside funds for Native American education.
Employment: The IRA established a preference for Native Americans in hiring for jobs in the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
Other rights: The IRA extended the trust period for existing allotments and prohibited the government from taking land away from tribes without their consent.
Signed into law: President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the IRA on June 18, 1934.
The IRA was a centerpiece of the “Indian New Deal” era, which lasted from 1928 to 1945. The IRA was driven by John Collier, Roosevelt’s commissioner of Indian Affairs, who believed that Native American cultures were superior to American culture.” — Google AI
Tribal Sovereignty
“Native Americans are not subject to the same laws of South Dakota because tribes are quasi-sovereign nations with their own judicial systems and laws:
Tribal sovereignty
Tribes are distinct from the United States and have the authority to make their own laws.
Tribal justice systems
Tribes have the authority to operate their own justice systems that enforce tribal law. Tribal law includes tribal constitutions, code, case law, and custom and tradition.” — Google AI
Cannabis Legalized by the Oglala Sioux Tribe in 2020
With this understanding of our past history, we have the opportunity to be a sovereign entity. This means empowering our people towards the future.
Most colonialists/Republicans are pretty dumb. They don’t understand the earth is dying. They don’t understand karma. Even if they gave you a Bible, that doesn’t mean they understand anything about God or the Laws of Nature.
With chemicals, hormones, antibiotics, and the like, pollution is at an all-time high. America is a country of stupidity (I may be trying to decondition you from believing in the hypocrisy that greed and Satanism are ok, when, the Bible clearly is speaking of Babylon in the book of Revelations dying and becoming full of pests and disease if they do not change their ways and follow the Earth, Christ, Truth, Love, Life, and Light).
“The Amazon rainforest is now emitting more carbon dioxide than it is able to absorb, scientists have confirmed for the first time. The emissions amount to a billion tonnes of carbon dioxide a year, according to a study. The giant forest had previously been a carbon sink, absorbing the emissions driving the climate crisis, but is now causing its acceleration, researchers said. Most of the emissions are caused by fires, many deliberately set to clear land for beef and soy production. But even without fires, hotter temperatures and droughts mean the south-eastern Amazon has become a source of CO2, rather than a sink. Growing trees and plants have taken up about a quarter of all fossil fuel emissions since 1960, with the Amazon playing a major role as the largest tropical forest. Losing the Amazon’s power to capture CO2 is a stark warning that slashing emissions from fossil fuels is more urgent than ever, scientists said.” — The Guardian
We were given awful land. The colonialists wanted the good land for themselves.
“While the Pine Ridge Reservation does have some arable land, it is considered very limited, with only around 84,000 acres out of its 2.1 million acres being suitable for agriculture, making the majority of the land unsuitable for farming due to its harsh climate and terrain.
Key points about Pine Ridge Reservation and arable land:
Small percentage arable:
Only about 4% of the Pine Ridge Reservation land is considered suitable for agriculture.
Challenges to farming:
Factors like overgrazing, poor soil quality, and extreme weather conditions contribute to the limited arable land.
Focus on alternative methods:
Due to limited arable land, communities on the reservation are increasingly focusing on initiatives like community gardens and greenhouses to improve food security. — Google AI
Cannabis as a Major Opportunity for Our Tribe
With the advent of cannabis being legal in Our Sovereign Territory, there is a brand new opportunity before us: cannabis. As I am a spiritualist, I sometimes turn things around which way and that in my mind, and then sometimes things make more sense in the Laws of God and Karma. While we were given awful land, due to the wisdom of the Tribe to legalize cannabis, there is an opportunity to turn this land into a massive opportunity not only for the Tribe, but also Mother Earth.
12 Reasons Why Hemp Is Good For The Planet By Onda Wellness:
1. Hemp Is Environmentally Beneficial (For The Soil, Air, And Water)
Hemp can regenerate and replenish the environment it grows in, making for an excellent addition for gardeners and as a rotational crop for farmers. Hemp is incredibly resilient and can flourish no matter the soil or air quality, or with limited rainfall.
In fact, it takes less water to grow compared to cotton and trees, even though hemp has a large amount of cellulose. The plants themselves are known to clean the air, as they produce oxygen during their growth cycle. Growing hemp also reduces soil toxins and improves soil quality by removing nitrogen from the atmosphere and absorbing toxins from the ground. — Rêve En Vert
2. Hemp Grow Easily And Without The Need For Toxic Chemicals
Hemp is called weed for a reason. It grows in just about any condition and without many resources as mentioned above. Hemp is also better for the environment in terms of pesticide use. Aside from being completely organic and resistant to disease and pests, hemp requires little fertilizers or pesticides. This means that there are fewer harmful chemicals entering our water systems.
Any pesticides sprayed on hemp soil will be absorbed by the roots of the plant itself and used as a natural defense mechanism against insects and pests. Hemp’s resin can also replace any need for excessive fertilizers in farms that grow it. — Rêve En Vert
3. Hemp Is Bee-Friendly
As a result of hemp’s low-impact, no-till practices and its high number of nectar-producing flowers, the hemp industry is considered to be one of the most beneficial for bees. According to many beekeepers, hemp plants are used as an alternative when other flower sources aren’t as abundant.
Fields of hemp plants are even known to produce a large number of queen bees, which improve hive health and fertility rates. A healthy swarm of bees is the cornerstone of any successful and sustainable farm and garden ecosystem. — Rêve En Vert
4. Hemp Eradicates Deforestation And Reduces Carbon Emissions
Deforestation contributes to about 25% of all global carbon emissions. Growing hemp could not only halt this process but reverse it entirely. This is because hemp plants have the ability to absorb CO2 from the air. According to studies, a single acre of hemp cultivation can absorb as much as 4.1 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year!
This is great news for our planet. Deforestation may be one of the most pressing issues at hand and hemp could help save it! Hemp is also renewable and a viable option for the lumber industry. — Rêve En Vert
5. Hemp Improves Soil Quality And Purifies Water
Hemp can soak up to 3 times its own weight in water, thereby improving dry climates and farms with moderate or low rainfall. In terms of water consumption, hemp only uses about 37% of the amount that cotton does per acre cultivated. This means increased profit margins for farmers who grow hemp as an alternative crop in addition to their usual farming repertoire.
Hemp actually cleanses the soil it’s growing in, preventing erosion and acidity issues, and leaves the soil rich with nitrogen. Hemp also removes CO2 from the air and stores it in the roots during photosynthesis (making hemp a renewable resource).
Decreased soil erosion means more fertile land for hemp cultivation and a healthier ecosystem overall. — Rêve En Vert
6. Hemp Production Preserves Wild Animal Habitats
There are numerous ways hemp can benefit wildlife. For example, shade-grown industrial hemp crops provide food and refuge for birds, deer, beaver… the list goes on!
In a study conducted by the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission in 1994, it was found that over 40 species of animals live among and depend on outdoor hemp fields. This includes:
– White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus)
– Eastern cottontail rabbit (Sylvilagus floridanus)
– Ring-necked pheasant (Phasianus colchicus)
Additionally, hemp harvests also offer a great source of food for animals in the fall. — Rêve En Vert
7. Hemp Is A Great Rotation Crop For Farmers
Farmers who grow hemp are more likely to make higher profits than those growing other crops. In fact, they can even grow it without sacrificing any of their usual farming practices. This means that hemp can be profitable without the use of pesticides, herbicides or chemical fertilizers. — Rêve En Vert
8. Hemp Is Stronger Than Cotton
Hemp is very strong compared to other natural fibers; it’s literally stronger than steel! Since hemp fiber is stronger than cotton and naturally UV resistant, it makes the ideal material to manufacture durable fabrics for clothing, shoes, and backpacks.
Unlike other plants that are turned into fibers (cotton), hemp grows vigorously and does not require pesticides during cultivation or processing. The hemp plant produces strong fibers with a low-lignin content (the part of the plant that binds fibers into a yarn). This is exactly why hemp yokes can be easily manufactured.
In fact, the United States could save up to $100 billion per year if we replace cotton with hemp for our clothes and other textiles. — Rêve En Vert
9. Hemp Is Stronger Than Wood Fiber
Hemp fibers are one of a kind. They can be used to create almost anything — from clothes, shoes, rugs, furniture, construction materials (such as cement), biofuel… you name it! The hemp plant is also one of the strongest natural fibers. It has been known to produce stronger commercial and industrial products, including rope and canvas.
Hemp’s inherent strength and durability are due to its cellular structure, which is similar to bamboo and oak trees, allowing hemp fabrics to resist breaking from flexing or hardening. It is truly a superior natural resource that can be used as a building block of materials for literally anything. — Rêve En Vert
(My Note: did you know that the illegalization of hemp was part of the Militarized Industrial Egoic Complex of the United States? Hemp was banned by the powers that were, when it could have saved the Earth. Do your research online. I discovered that there were lobbyists against hemp including the cotton industry, the plastic industry, the drug companies, and those who just wanted to use it as a fear propagation tool to gain votes.)
My favorite summation about hemp from Akshansh Seth on Quora:
Many people assume that marijuana was made illegal through some kind of process involving scientific, medical, and government hearings; that it was to protect the citizens from what was determined to be a dangerous drug.
There are like a thousand different disorders that marijuana can fix for which pharmaceutical drugs are prescribed. And if its made legal, it is going to cost these drug companies billions of dollars.
We had realised that hemp has so many uses which are not only medicinal but in other industries too, like the parachute in which George Bush senior jumped at the time of world war 2 was made from hemp, textile industry started using hemp,
Henry Ford even used hemp fibres to make the body of his car, which in fact was 10 times stronger than steel.
Rudolph diesel before using diesel used hemp oil as fuel for the auto mobile.
I think you have enough examples to state that Cannabis could have been a trillion dollar industry if it had been allowed to bloom.
but the point is that, it posed a big threat for existing industries.
This guy, William Randolph Hearst he owned all the newspapers back then, he started publishing various false articles stating that after smoking pot, Mexicans and black started raping white woman. So it was natural that people developed a certain aversion from marijuana. And there were TV commercials and movies which depicted marijuana as psychotic and linked them with murderers and suicides.
FACT: there has not been even a single death in history due to marijuana overdose, it’s practically impossible to OD on cannabis.
The authorities say its illegal because you can abuse marijuana, well you can abuse cheese burgers, so you don’t run around closing all the burger king outlets. its funny, i can poke myself in the eye with a fork. so you don’t ban the use of forks. — Akshansh Seth
(My Note: It is actually alcohol that is the problem, and poverty, obviously. Yet, politicians will use bizarre, Satanic, egoic, fear-based statements to gain votes. Cannabis is a beautiful herb that is calming. Alcohol is called a spirit for a reason. It can make you go unconscious. It can make you extremely sexual. It can make you angry. It is a depressant. So, The Tribe banning alcohol at a similar time that it legalized cannabis may be a really smart move, FYI.)
10. Hemp Can Be Made Into Plastic Materials That Are Biodegradable
Products made with hemp fibers or seeds will break down in landfills over time. It is known for hemp to produce plastics that are 100% biodegradable and recyclable, yet they have many of the same uses as petroleum-based plastics. The good news is that this technology is already being used today! Industrial hemp has been used to produce a strong plastic called Bionect, which is more environmentally friendly than some petroleum-based plastics. — Rêve En Vert
(My Note: This perhaps could be one of the most exciting opportunities for Our Tribe. Yes, of course, it is medicinal. However, you can also construct a factory on the land, increase your revenues even more, and save Mother Earth.)
11. Hemp Can Be Used In The Production Of Biofuels
Industrial hemp is a natural resource that could help reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. It has been estimated that if hemp were legalized, it would produce more oil than what we currently get from fossil fuels.
Hemp can help the environment… and our health!
For decades, hemp was banned for being a “drug”, when it couldn’t be farther from the truth! Marijuana has psychoactive effects that get people high while hemp has none of that at all. In fact, hemp is not a drug… it’s an amazing resource! — Rêve En Vert
(My Note: Wow. Even I didn’t know that yet. So, I would do major research into this opportunity!)
12. Hemp Paper Is Eco-Friendly
Hemp can make paper products that are much more eco-friendly than wood-based papers and can even be recycled more than once. Hemp is used to making some of the most sustainable packaging materials in the market today. Hemp packaging uses less energy and fewer natural resources, as hemp fibers are stronger and thinner than paper. If you think about it, we use paper every day and hemp could easily be used to make our paper products instead of cutting down more trees. — Rêve En Vert
(My Note: Why not partner with cardboard box companies and sell them biodegradable sustainable packaging materials? Think of all the boxes used in the world now because of massive trading happening. Hemp could be an eco-friendly solution.)
Hemp is the most environmentally friendly crop in the world. And as you can see, hemp is not only great for fashion, food supply, medicine, and more — but for our planet as well.
Many of hemp’s other uses are endless and incredibly useful to our society, as we will see over time that hemp can benefit us all; from farmers to businessmen and women, to consumers and citizens, hemp will be sure to “save the planet” in more ways than one! — Rêve En Vert
The Opportunity to Eliminate Plastics, Create Karma-Positive Solutions, and Build Innovative Green Technologies
There are many new companies springing up who are at the beginning of an eco revolution. Start to talk to people about companies that are working on bio-plastics, and any other useful materials from hemp. Perhaps partner with somebody Trustable, use your intuition, don’t get fooled, and start a factory of producing eco, biodegradable, compostable products from hemp. This may be an even more lucrative endeavor for your Tribe and the Mother Earth.
You can connect with:
The South Dakota School of Mines and Technology in Rapid City, an engineering school
Can you make a 3D-manufactured hemp plastic machine? Research 3-D Printing options.
Research: vertical farming, hydroponics, carbon farming, aeroponics, and aquaponics
Connect with Sioux Falls: “Sioux Falls is one of the most cost-effective and profitable manufacturing centers in the U.S. Some major manufacturing companies in Sioux Falls include StarMark Cabinetry, Daktronics, POET LLC, and Graco, Inc.” — Google AI
Consider New Green Technologies: Here is one website and business, Home Biogas, with suggestions that might spur some innovations, but remember to depend upon your ancestral, animal, and environmental guidance. Watch this video below to potentially be inspired:
Can you research online what you need? Your questions? Do you want to start the factory, or do you want somebody else to do it for you and share in the profits?
“Industrial hemp cultivation has the potential to be an environmentally friendly and highly sustainable crop and it can fit well in crop rotation practices to increase soil fertility…This study contributes to a better understanding of the possibility of hemp crop reintroduction in areas where water deficit occurs, which could open up the opportunity for selecting hemp crop cultivars that can be grown under different agro-ecological conditions and are also of great commercial interest for decision makers involved in sustainable crop management and in the reduction of fertilizers and pollutants released into the environment.” — The Cultivation of Industrial Hemp as Alternative Crop in a Less-Favoured Agricultural Area in Southern Italy: The Pignola Case Study
Maybe reach out to Hemp Foundation ? They seem like a good organization that would be helpful.
The below is a reprinting of Hemp Plastic’s page about the harms to Mother Earth of petroleum plastics, and how your Tribe could help be part of the solution to introduce biodegradable eco-hemp to your community and the world.
What’s so evil about plastic? - Hemp Foundation
It never goes away: Travel 10,000 years in a time machine; you’ll enter a different world. Only one thing won’t change. Plastic will still be there, blocking the earth’s arteries.
There’s too much of it: Humans made 2.1 million tonnes in 1950. 406 million in 2015. It’s everywhere: in our homes, refrigerators, and stomachs. In our taps, ponds, lakes, and oceans.
It kills: Because it’s everywhere, and because it’s non-biodegradable, it’s inseparable from food chains. Not only of humans but also of every creature that eats.
What’s so great about hemp?
It’s compostable
Hemp Plastic is easy to compost under standard industrial composting conditions, within 3 months. That’s crazy, compared to fossil-fuel-based plastic, whose hydrocarbon polymer base will remain unchanged, forever, like a subterranean bomb you would step on. Hemp bioplastic is, basically, the potion of plastic, and none of its poison.
To compare the cost per yield of hemp bioplastic to that of fossil-fuel-based plastic is injustice. Hemp bioplastics is a nascent industry. The economies of scale are non-existent. Still, we can make cheaper plastics from hemp as feedstock (instead of corn or sugarcane). The more you buy hemp bioplastic, the cheaper it becomes.
Abundant raw material
World governments are liberalizing hemp farming. Several already have, including the USA, Canada, and India. The result: we have enough farms growing industrial hemp, which is the biomass we can then change into bioplastic.
It’s less carbon per kilo of plastic
‘Less’ is understating it. Every kilo of hemp Plastic is made of only 25–35% carbon as compared to fossil-fuel-based plastic.
It works
Nobody thought we’d make hemp garments, textiles, stationery, and food. We’ve done that. And that’s only the beginning. Mere proof of concept. Even car parts can be made from hemp bioplastics. The material has all the magic of plastic, minus the curse of immortality.
Use HEMP Plastic
Industrial hemp is a lot more than an agro-economy powerhouse. It’s a vehicle of social change. Every step Hemp Foundation takes, is in tandem with thousands of rural Uttarakhand farmers, and every step is towards a secure future.
Remember The Children
Twenty years from now, your children will look back. What you decide today, will decide what they’ll say in 2040. Choose Sustainable hemp plastic today, so your children will remember you for having made the right choice when the last chance presented itself.
Organic Sustainable Diverse Farming for Your Community
Help discover new ways of living and being with the earth in combination with sustainable technology. This may entail land-based usage, or greenhouses.
Use your shamanic intuition.
Which plants should be grown for your community? What nutrition should be provided? The patriarchy has supported mono-crops, like just growing wheat on your entire plantation. It’s antithetical to a sustainable community. Instead, I would consider diversity. What should be grown so your community can thrive if the roads are closed, grocery stores do not receive supplies, and the entire US economy falls apart?
I have been learning about Complete Proteins which I think are a key. It’s like a combination of iron and vitamin c. I live in Peru, I eat a porridge of kaniwa (with iron) and a fresh fruit drink like orange juice (for vitamin c). This seems to be a really healthy combination. You can research this more online. I also find the combo of salts and sugar to be good for electrolyte balancing.
There are many nutritional sources here in Peru that can be grown in South Dakota too. They are affordable and healthy! Look into Kiwicha, Kañiwa, and Algarrobina. If you would like to export some seeds or products from here, please email me at
Build a sustainable farm for your community so you are safe and secure in knowing your family and community will be provided for.
Marijuana brings profit and protection to Pine Ridge
by Jacob Newton, 2022, Keloland
In 2020, the people of the Oglala Sioux Tribe voted to legalize both recreational and medical marijuana. Now, two years later the town of Pine Ridge with it’s population of just around 3,000 people, hosts four recreational marijuana dispensaries…
“We have a lot of different issues on the reservation — and through this new business venture, we’re creating hope — it’s not as traditional as it used to be. [Young people] like to know that you can make a living working in a dispensary and growing plants,” Saltes said.
No Worries has around 2,000 square feet of cultivation space, according to manager Ty Eagle Bull, and they are actively expanding as well. “Things have been really busy,” he said. “People are constantly coming through the door, and with us making public news and everything — especially from off-reservation, a lot of people have been coming.”
Currently, No Worries is growing with a mix of soil crops and hydroponics, though Saltes said they are working toward moving to a fully hydroponic set up, which he hopes will help with scaling up production.
“It was a big learning curve,” Saltes said. “Our family has some arborists in it, so we kind of just took the basic plant science and applied it to cannabis.”
On the north end of town, Derek Janis, owner of Rez Budz, is in a similar boat. His is a family business run by himself, his wife, and their two children. Like the folks at No Worries, Janis has little experience in the world of marijuana cultivation. To level the field, he relies on a low-tech, but very effective cultivation method.
“We cultivate in tents,” Janis said. “I prefer tents because it’s a controlled environment, You can control the humidity, you can control the light, the temperature — you can control all that. For me, that’s way easier than having a great big building.”
While it is more simple, tent cultivation does have its limitations, and Janis acknowledges this. “We can’t grow hundreds of plant, but we’re starting out small. We’ll eventually get the bigger building — but I still prefer tents myself,” he said with a smile.
Asked what the best part of the business is for him, Janis told us it’s the people.
“All the people that are happy,” Janis said with a grin and a laugh. “All the happy faces that come through — they’re really grateful for the things we’re doing — I tell them I don’t take the credit; I credit the Tribe for that.” — Keloland
The True Story of Cannabis (Santa Maria) as a Healing Herb: Its Spiritual and Medicinal History
“Cannabis has a long and colourful history. The use of cannabis originated in central Asia or western China. Cannabis has been used for its alleged healing properties for millennia. The first documented case of its use dates back to 2800 BC, when it was listed in the Emperor Shen Nung’s (regarded as the father of Chinese medicine) pharmacopoeia. Therapeutic indications of cannabis are mentioned in the texts of the Indian Hindus, Assyrians, Greeks and Romans. These texts reported cannabis to treat a vast array of different health problems, including arthritis, depression, amenorrhea, inflammation, pain, lack of appetite and asthma.” — The University of Sydney
In Chinese, this traditional medicine is called Dàmá (大麻)
“Reflecting the long association of cannabis and humans, some myths in India have cannabis emerge, as a divine ingredient, in the earliest stages of cosmogony, known as the churning of the ocean. The god Shiva supposedly favored cannabis, which had a religious role as an agent for mystic inspiration. Under names such as Vijaya , cannabis has been used for thousands of years in ayurvedic medicine to reduce pain, nausea, and anxiety, improve appetite and sleep, relax muscles, and produce a feeling of euphoria.” — Marc-Antoine Crocq, MD on National Center for Biotechnology Information
In Arabic, this traditional medicine is called Indian Hemp (قنب هندي) — I speak Arabic, قنب is pronounced q-n-b; therefore the word cannabis comes from Arabic.
“Hindu legend holds that Shiva, the supreme Godhead of many sects, was given the title ‘The Lord of Bhang’, because the cannabis plant was his favourite food. The ancient Hindus thought the medicinal benefits of cannabis were explained by pleasing the gods such as Shiva. Ancient Hindu texts attribute the onset of fever with the ‘hot breath of the gods’ who were angered by the afflicted person’s behaviour. Using cannabis in religious rites appeased the gods and hence reduced the fever.” — The University of Sydney
To be with the Gods, in your heart, one needs to be able to breathe. That is what this medicinal herb helps you do!
In Greek, it is called Μαριχουάνα — interesting that this seems close to the word marijuana, and it actually is. On Google Translate, you can hear it “marichouána”.
George Washington Grew Hemp: Tales of Cannabis Folklore
Hindu Mythology: The Divine Plant
In Hindu tradition, cannabis holds a sacred status. The Vedas, ancient religious texts dating back to around 1500 BCE, mention cannabis as one of five sacred plants. According to legend, the god Shiva discovered cannabis while resting under its leaves, cementing its divine status in Hindu culture. This mythological connection has endured, with cannabis playing a role in some Hindu religious ceremonies to this day. The plant’s association with Shiva, the destroyer and transformer, speaks to its perceived power to alter consciousness and provide spiritual insights.
The Scythians: Funerary Rites and Cannabis Vapor
The nomadic Scythians of ancient Eurasia incorporated cannabis into their funerary rituals. Greek historian Herodotus documented their practice of throwing hemp seeds onto hot stones, creating an intoxicating vapor that participants inhaled to enter a trance-like state. This ancient ritual illustrates cannabis’s long-standing association with spiritual communion and death rites. It suggests that early cultures recognized the plant’s potential to alter consciousness and facilitate transcendent experiences.
Zulu Warriors and Sufi Mystics: Courage and Enlightenment
Cannabis legends span the African continent and beyond. Zulu warriors in South Africa reportedly used cannabis to boost courage before battle, highlighting its perceived psychological benefits. In Islamic folklore, the Persian Sufi mystic Haydar is said to have discovered cannabis in the mountains. After consuming its leaves, he returned with newfound wisdom, reinforcing the idea of cannabis as a tool for enlightenment and mental expansion.
— George Washington Grew Hemp and Other Tales of Cannabis Folklore, Mattew Reveles, 2023
If you would like a timeline documentation of the benefits of this medicina, as well as the propaganda against it, I would read this article:
History of Cannabis -
I will post the positive highlights below:
2800 BC
Cannabis was listed in Emperor Shen Nung’s pharmacopoeia.
Hindu legend holds that Shiva was given the title ‘The Lord of Bhang’ because the cannabis plant was his favourite food.
129–200 AD
Galen used cannabis for its therapeutic properties and mood enhancement.
Jamestown colony law declared that all settlers were required to grow cannabis. George Washington grew cannabis for fiber production at Mount Vernon as his primary crop. By the late 18th century, early editions of American medical journals showed recommendations of hemp seeds and roots for the treatment of inflamed skin, incontinence and venereal disease. Irish doctor William O’Shaughnessy first popularized marijuana’s medical use in England and America. As a physician with the British East India Company, he found marijuana eased the pain of rheumatism and was helpful against discomfort and nausea in cases of rabies, cholera and tetanus. — The History of Medicinal Cannabis
Washington wasn’t alone in his hemp cultivation. Other founding fathers, including Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, James Madison, and James Monroe, also recognized hemp’s potential. Jefferson grew hemp on his plantation, while Franklin established one of America’s first paper mills using hemp as the primary material. These early American leaders saw hemp as a cornerstone of the nation’s fledgling economy, underscoring its significance in American agricultural history. — George Washington Grew Hemp and Other Tales of Cannabis Folklore
William Brooke O’Shaughnessy introduced cannabis to Western medicine after living in India. He wrote of many therapeutic uses of cannabis, including a case where cannabis stopped convulsions in a child.
Devane and Mechoulam discovered anandamide (a naturally occurring arachidonic acid derivative, present in some foods and in mammalian brains, where it acts as a messenger molecule and plays a role in pain, depression, appetite, memory, and fertility.)
California legalised medical cannabis by introducing the Compassionate Use Act.
CBD shown to alleviate schizophrenia symptoms in patients comparable to a conventional antipsychotic drug.
Australia legalised medical cannabis and its cultivation for medical purposes.
CBD demonstrated to reduce seizures in childhood epilepsy in a placebo-controlled trial
The Spirit of This Medicinal Herb
She is a feminine herb. Very delicate. I call her Santa Maria.
Use her to heal your heart, heal your fears. Be vulnerable. Cry.
Take a break when you need to, and use Grandfather Tobacco. Release. Connect with the Spirit World.
Start to remember your Shamanic ways. Your intuition. Your plant and animal guidance.
I have begun to add lavender, roses, mint, jasmine, calendula, and other herbs to Santa Maria. It seems to be a more beautiful experience for me, but use your intuitional guidance about what is local to your area and powerful for your journey.
I have also experimented with making Santa Maria into edibles. It is a very different experience when you ingest it into your body for a calming effect, rather than smoking it. Also be aware of the differences between indica (calming) and sativa (energizing).
There is a prophecy I heard from a powerful Native American Shaman that this medicine will help heal the world.
Santa Maria and Tobacco Shamaning Suggestions
~ Prepare your body. Use your intuition.
~ Make sure you have eaten well. Also have healthy snacks readily available.
~ Try to have a silent space. Either in your home, a garden, a forest, etc.
~ This is a feminine herb. Begin with an intention. Tune into your heart. What would you like to heal towards the Light? This herb should not be paired directly with Grandfather Tobacco but rather use tobacco as a break. Grandfather Tobacco brings you to Truth. Therefore, Grandfather Tobacco should be used when you need a release from your healing journey with Santa Maria. However, you can combine Santa Maria with Lavender, Roses, or whatever your heart feels called to. My favorite is Clover.
~ Take a small dose at first to see how it feels in your body. Breathe deeply. Listen to your heart. Connect to God.
~ You may experience fear. That is normal. Santa Maria is actually a medicinal herb used to help you heal. Breathe. What feelings arise? Listen, love, understand, forgive, release. Be vulnerable. Cry.
~ When your body feels like it is overwhelmed, take a break! Use Grandfather Tobacco (Natural Organic Spirits brand, or Mapacho in Peru, or a Vape). Nicotine connects you to the Spirit World, to Heaven, to The Kingdom. Say a prayer. Allow this medicine to calm you. You can then end your practice, continue it, or go on a meditative walk in nature.
If you would like to read poetry while you are healing with Santa Maria, you can view my poetry page here.
If you would like to listen to music while you are healing, here are some recommended playlists:
Vision Quests in The Black Hills
We are beginning to remember The Truth of The Earth.
You are being called upon to help heal.
You were wounded.
“The wound makes the medicine.” — Pixie Lighthorse
Use Santa Maria and Grandfather Tobacco as your guides to help heal you and connect you with the spirit world.
Receive your visions. If you would like, relay them to your friends, family, grandparents who may be able to help you interpret them.
Image by wirestock on Freepik
This researched article is beautiful: I would read it it in full to help remind you of your past legacy. Here is one quote: “The images given in these visions are a magnificent compilation of the painfully felt experience of the American Indian. They are infiltrated, however by an aspect of spirit which is particularly available to the Native American due to the fluidity of his connection with nature and with his unconscious. Spirit here adds a viewpoint, a new attitude that transforms the devastating nature of the original experience. The original affect is widened to include something that provides vision into future potentials. Each image reveals both the despair and a slightly new way to reflect upon the experience. The original experience is compensated with an aspect that resides in the unconscious, in the archetypal, in the sacred realm of the ancestors — a realm particularly available to the Indian.”
More writings from me:
Life Herself is Dying (The Amazon Rainforest)
This Article is Written by:
Ashley Heacock
MIT Sloan School of Management, MBA
Harvard Kennedy School, MPA
The George Washington University, BA Economics, BA International Relations