Creativity, Freedom, and Flexibility in the Work Space
A Differential View of How to Operate A Company
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I received an MBA from MIT Sloan School of Management, where I spent a lot of time at the MIT Center for Entrepreneurship. I also received an MPA from Harvard Kennedy School, and a BA in Economics and a BA in International Relations from The George Washington University.
I am also an artist, a meditation teacher, a yoga instructor, and an energy healer.
Therefore, I write this article with knowledge that there is a need for a restructuring of some companies so you can thrive.
*Please note that anything I say here, connect your own dots, use your own liberty. You can take me literally or metaphorically. You can write down exactly what I say, or you can also draw illustrations that are from your own heart.
This article is for CEOs, workers, creatives, theorists, human resources specialists, researchers, and anybody interested in new ways of being and doing in the world.
More Calm
More Creativity
More Flexibility
More Giving
More Fun
More Nature
More Diversity
More Inspiration
More Community
More Beauty
More Purpose
More Freedom
More Empowerment
More Listening
More Calm
Standing desks
Yoga, stretching, dancing; you may need to have a room(s) dedicated to allowing people to take breaks
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Putting your consciousness in your wombs/loins instead of your head
Napping pods; the Spanish do have siestas during the day you know! Take a break, sleep for a little bit. If you’re tired and angry, you’ll produce results that are bleak and may harm a relationship with unkindness. If you’re awake and curious, you’ll produce results that are beautiful, and be gentler with your coworkers.
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More Creativity
Cannabis, Tobacco, Mushrooms, medicinal herbs to allow the brain to be more calm and creative
Create separate rooms people can go to to take a break from the desk. A from with flowers, art supplies, bluetooth musical capabilities, meditatiom mats, prayer rugs, dance/zumba fitness. You may also want shower facilities and lockers for your employees as well.
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Example: Google
“Key aspects of Google’s unique employee experience:
“20% Time” Policy:
Employees are encouraged to spend 20% of their work time on personal projects outside their regular duties, fostering innovation and creativity by allowing them to pursue their interests.
On-site Amenities:
Google offices boast a variety of fun and relaxing amenities like free gourmet meals, nap pods, on-site fitness centers, massage rooms, and recreational areas with games like ping pong and foosball.
Flexible Work Culture:
Google promotes a flexible work schedule, allowing employees to work from anywhere and manage their hours to suit their needs.
Focus on Wellness:
Comprehensive health benefits, on-site medical professionals, and wellness programs are available to support employee health and well-being.
Learning and Development:
Google actively encourages employees to continue learning by offering training opportunities, tuition reimbursement, and access to various educational resources.” — Google AI
Image from Design Boom
More Flexibility
Different hours for different people; some may work from 5AM — 12PM; others from 10AM — 3PM; others from 11PM — 3AM
Others may prefer to work in a café
Some people may work from home, and that’s ok. Just make sure to include them when there are group projects. Zoom can be okay, but if you want to ideate together, sometimes it helps to be in the same room.
Both men and women should get maternity and paternity leave; however, that doesn’t have to mean leaving the company or being fired like Isabella Vincenza at Uber. They should be allowed flexibility. They can use Zoom. They can have different hours. Maybe the man actually stays home more with the child than the woman. If you have clients, it may help to keep in contact with them rather than lose your job over it. Even bring the baby by your clients! Why not! We have so many strict rules in society. Why not allow people to continue to work while taking care of their children? This goes from age 0 onwards really. Or what if a mother or uncle got sick? Allow that employee more flexibility so they can care for their loved one while working at the same time! Or ideate with them about how to get home help.
Somebody may produce a result after a walk in nature that produces your company $1B from synthesizing massive amounts of data all day long; another may have a dream that does; another may be at a cafe channeling an idea from somebody totally differential and solve all your company’s problems. You just never know. Try something different. See how it goes!
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More Giving
Have a kitchen where there is free fresh juice, free healthy food, etc. all day long so your employees have energy ~ common sense???
Consider hiring somebody full-time to take clean, cook, and take care of the kitchen.
What our bodies need are complete proteins. That means iron + vit C
Juice Option for Vitamin C: lime, strawberry, mint, peaches, and orange juice put together in a blender
Option for Iron: hummus with gluten free bread with fresh organic tomatoes on top
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Also, of course thinking about giving people fair wages. Are you sure you’re giving enough? How does your heart feel? How would your employees feel if you cared for them and their families a little bit more?
Also think about giving to charity!
More Fun
Sitting at a computer for hours can be boring; consider more fun, creativity, balance
Perhaps when your brain is tired, it’s time to take a walk
Perhaps when you’re stuck, it’s time to form a group and ideate together
Cooking Together; why not? Fun!
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More Nature
Flowers, animals, Japanese gardens, walkways, streams
You can create a walking path around your property filled with flowers
You could also give people a break to go for a walk in a local park
Let them relax so they can be more fresh at work! Satisfaction = Better Results
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More Diversity
Diversity isn’t just about black/white, man/woman, young/old; it’s actually super complicated
Consider: intelligence, intuition, creativity, humor, beauty, fun, coolness, cultural competency, innovative, super techy, super arty, super idiosyncratic, etc.
If you’re a science company who thinks they only need excel spreadsheet people, why not consider hiring somebody who is advanced at sacred geometry? Did you know that DNA/RNA, everything in existence is sacred geometry? It is all an equation. It should be beautiful, balanced, colorful.
It’s all One = 1 = 0 = None. When you can get out of your mind thinking this person is not who I should hire because they are of a certain race or religion, go to Zero Point. Feel into your heart, your body. Feel their energy. Neutrality. Who are they? What is their story? How would they fit into your community?
Do you just want a team of boring white dudes?
Or do you want a mixture of differentials?
However, you may want a company of just women who work at a natural organic beauty products place.
And, you may want a company of just men who work as an engineer team.
Also, you may just want black men working at Elon’s racist and sexist Tesla factories. Should the factory workers be black people who are super strong and tall? They also are in need of good jobs. They definitely would have to receive special benefits if they get disabled or something similar. Or there may be some white, brown, or other ethnic background that is also super muscular, tall, and able. Your family would receive payments while you are ill, and they would also receive payments if you fall really ill or die while in the factory. Until the robots come, of course.
What I’m trying to say in this article is, diversity is actually infinite.
Why don’t we try different combos and see how things go?
Instead of being super sensitive, let’s get more creative and intuitive. And, let’s be compassionate.
Image by Freepik ~ Your Differentials of Your Community
Image by Freepik ~ Your Community of Differentials Uniting Together
More Inspiration
Create groups of 3–5 people who are super diverse, but directed towards the same purpose
Use white boards, colors, paper, children’s toys, whatever suits your company and ideate together
No pressure, just fun!
Start with a question. Have each person think and feel into it on their own first, using all of the creative tools available.
Then, as a group, share with each other your ideas, and create one or multiple plans to more forward.
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More Beauty
Consider hiring a really beautiful female artist to design your cars
Consider hiring a really cool dude artist to design your cars
Consider sacred geometry, balance, color schemes
Beauty is The Future
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More Purpose
Why does your company do what you do?
How can you evolve with the times, into the future?
How can you help the environment, people, animals, plants?
How can you help your employees feel like they are doing something beneficial for the world?
Check out this company for inspiration:
The earth is dying. People are in poverty. Are you helping? Are you giving? Or are you company completely insulated from the Reality of the World?
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More Freedom
Empower your employees to be creative, inspired, and go for it!
Do you just want to have to boss people around have have workers who wait for you to tell them what to do? How exhausting and annoying :(
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More Empowerment
I’ve heard that at some companies, people try to compete so much against each other to receive promotions and raises, that actually, they hurt the company. How ironical!
What about if they are all incredible engineers? Then make them the same title, give them the same wage, and have them ideate together about what could make the company great!
Do they have the same incentive system of making an incredible company? Or do they have scheming tendencies that may bring the company and each other down?
How do you reward people? As a team, or as individuals? Who made the company? The CEO, or all of the engineers and creative artists, etc. etc.?
Where do they spend their attention? Backstabbing each other? Or lifting each other up? Empowering each other to do the best work they can for the best purpose of the company.
Who gets the profits? Just the CEO at the top? Or all of those incredible engineers? Or that one girl who had a vision in the garden of a sacred geometric structure that saved the company?
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More Listening
Are you hiring people who are lesser than you because of your little ego? Then your company will be lesser and likely fail. Can you hire people who are differentials than you, but better than you in some way? People who you can Trust, Listen To, and Respect? Who you don’t have to hold their hand or worry about them screwing up all the time or ruining your company’s reputation. Hire people who are extremely bright, intuitive, a self-starter, entrepreneurial, creative, and able to pull a lot of weight, so you can relax more.
Do you want to hire a consulting firm to do an excel spreadsheet and powerpoint presentation for you? And pay tons of money for results that don’t add up?
How about listening? Listen to Martha and Jerry. What do they think is going on or could be improved?
Listen to the “lowliest” person of the company. Listen to the “middlest” person of the company. What is really going on here? It’s a good idea to have chats with everybody in the company to get an intuitive understanding of the ins-and-outs of the company. Otherwise, you’re just a CEO at the top who has no clue what’s really going on. Then you think you hire somebody smart at a consulting company, when in actuality, what would have been smart, is talking to the people in your company!
Read more about this by the incredible Zeynep Ton at MIT.
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Article by Ashley Heacock
MIT Sloan School of Management, MBA
Harvard Kennedy School of Government, MPA
The George Washington University, BA Economics, BA International Affairs