The Law of God and Circumcision (II)
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Jesus brought the message from God that you no longer needed to follow the rule of circumcision.
Circumcision was a covenant with God when people were extremely evil.
Google Search: Why did Christians go against God’s covenant of circumcision?
This is a historical account of God’s covenant with humankind.
However, there is always evolution. That was Jesus Christ, Our Lord.
Google AI Answer:
“Christians largely stopped practicing circumcision because, according to the teachings of the Apostle Paul, the New Covenant in Christ superseded the Old Covenant practices like circumcision, meaning that salvation and membership in the Church were not dependent on physical circumcision but rather on faith in Jesus Christ; this was affirmed by the early Church at the Council of Jerusalem, where it was declared that Gentile converts did not need to be circumcised to become Christians.
Key points to remember:
New Covenant vs. Old Covenant:
Circumcision was seen as a sign of the Old Covenant between God and the Jewish people, but in the New Covenant established by Jesus, the focus shifted to spiritual transformation through faith, not physical practices like circumcision.
Paul’s teachings:
Apostle Paul strongly argued against the necessity of circumcision for Gentile Christians, stating that salvation is achieved through faith in Christ alone, not by following Jewish laws like circumcision.
Council of Jerusalem:
This early Christian gathering confirmed Paul’s position, deciding that Gentile converts did not need to be circumcised to become Christians.”
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Image by Freepik
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Now, you get to be you!
Cutting off your penis:
desensitizes you
can make you cruel
can make you dumb
demasculinizes you
less powerful
can make you untruthful
less intuitive
more afraid
can make you less able to communicate with your children
your soul can end up in another dimension
you can be racist against black and brown people who have larger penises and are better dancers
Tips to remain clean and STD free:
Shower your body at least daily
Make sure your socks and shoes are clean ~ tea tree oil helps
Shower after intercourse
Being cautious with who you choose to have intercourse with; do you actually Love them???
Then you do not have to worry about STDs, or feeling icky
Having a normal life-created penis can help you:
Be more loving and kind
Connect you to your most sensitive part, your little boy
Be more creative
Have a larger dick
More powerful
More intuitive
More sensory ability
Grow taller
Maybe not be bald
Have better sexual intercourse, because you can feel your tip! Whew!
Questions for Evolutionary Biologists; are men who are circumcised:
More color blind?
More bald?
Less fun, unique, playful?
More ugly?
More unkind?
Have a less pleasureful sexual life?
More insecure?
More afraid?
This Article is Written by:
Ashley Heacock
MIT Sloan School of Management, MBA
Harvard Kennedy School, MPA
The George Washington University, BA Economics, BA International Relations
My Website for Organizational Consulting and Personal Healing Sessions:
Read The Series of Articles on Circumcision Here: