Love Awaken in Me

Photo by Ignacio Correia

A lamp without a light
Is a garden with no birds

Where has the Life gone?

Words can be sung
But the Heart is no longer there

I can say what I think
But deep down there’s no Known

In and out
Spirit ephemeral

I’m nothing without You

A chemical composition
A physical amalgamation

Where did you go
You left me barren

Blood circulating
Heart pumping

For what reason
Purpose no longer to be found

I plead
Love awaken in me
Help me be free
Silence my mind
Stop time

A Divine blessing
A message from another realm

Where there are two or more
There’s a way through the Door

A Sister with a HeartIntuition as her art

A song given
A heart opened
Connection reformed
Birds chirping
No longer forlorn

Thank youThe lamp is relit
With a Love that fit

© 2022 Ashley Heacock


Every Moment


Unconditional Love