Unconditional Love

Artwork by @verena_wild22 on Instagram

It begins with
The One

A Lioness
Surrounded by herds of
Blood-bound coyotes

They attempt to attack
Yet she simply sits in tact

Stillness, confidence, and love she exudesHer heart sending out radiant vibrations
While their claws fail to burst through

Instead she sends out

A mirror of Light
To show them their own fright

She Knows who She is
And who They are too

As their fangs get hungrier
Her patience becomes impenetrable

She Knows they will soon tire
Without a reflection of their own fire

The herd becomes confused
How could their vengeance
Not produce
A wound, a sore, a bloodbath

Or even a simple

Who is this?
Who is She?
The Lioness who Believes
That She
The One

How can She not be reached?

Unconditional LoveA vortex
A forcefield
A golden shield
To reflect You back to You

Eventually a bear catches on
Begins to hear His Heart’s Song
Realizing He is
The One

His forcefield radiates outwards like Hers
Magnificent colors
Of Love and Truth
He sits and breathes deeply like Her

Then a deer joins
And two becomes three
Then a monkey and a giraffe
And soon even a coyote

The crowd of The One
Spreads out like a triangle

With those who are blood-thirsty
Now at the boundaries

Beginning to see
Their ways gone astray

When all the others
Are in Love with
The One

​© 2022 Ashley Heacock


Love Awaken in Me


Spiritual Awareness