Our Circular Eco Economy (II)
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Questions for People who would like to Create a Currency based upon the Karmic Effects on the Environment and People.
Note: This group of five articles “Our Circular Eco Economy” are not an “I Know It All” series. They are articles to try to get people thinking more creatively about our future, planet, and people.
I went to MIT Sloan School of Management and Harvard Kennedy School of Government. I studied System Dynamics. Please send your insights, feedback, and ideas to me at ashleyheacock@gmail.com
Please share this article with anybody you think you could have an intelligent conversation with about these topics.
If you would like to be part of this initiative, I have plans to create Zoom spaces for us to communicate with each other, or Slack, or ideas that you all may have. Please email me at ashleyheacock@gmail.com if you would like to be part of this new project for our world!
What Needs to be Considered NOW:
Hormones, antibiotics, steroids, whatever else they put in animals that then get into our brains if we eat them and we become super dumb; sustainable organic farms preferable. (My proposed solution is here, which includes the start of an excel spreadsheet: FYI System Dynamics Team).
We are literally eating our own stupid shit!!!
The cow manure also gets into the water stream making us dumb
Chemical products that get into the water stream, then again we end up super dumb; biodegradable preferable
Not recycling minerals from the earth; they took so long to form, and we are treating them like pennies. We need to protect what was made for future generations, for millennia. When it’s gone, it’s gone.
This is it y’all. The earth formed beautiful minerals, plants, and animals over billions, trillions of years. Can we respect what was created by life?
The Amazon Rainforest is now starting to absorb more carbon than oxygen. Again, we are literally starting to eat our own shit. (My article with the facts: Life Herself is Dying)
Grandparents ear plugs that plug them from listening to anything outside; it’s terrible really, it’s your connection to others, to God, to be able to Listen!
Other Considerations, just throwing some creative ideas out there:
How long did it take to form xyz: petroleum, baking soda, bentonite clay
How should we recycle?
How should we preserve?
Who gets access to these precious minerals? Especially for electronics, computer chips, etc.
What about baking soda? How long will mothers be able to cook with baking soda before that precious resource is gone? Or will we make it in a lab?
What can grow? Where? Why? Under what conditions?
What is calming?
What is beautiful?
What is inspiring?
Etc. ~ put it into an AI (artificial intelligence) system and it will generate categories into infinity
Acidity levels
Again, this could be new programing for AI scientists. Use :; ~ ^ !< etc. for new scripts
What should we pay for “ew” factors?:
Garbage men
Bathroom cleaners
What is really a fair wage???
My Next Question: What Is Money?
Investopedia: Money doesn’t always have value, whether it’s represented by a seashell, a metal coin, a piece of paper, or a string of code mined electronically by a computer. With global wealth estimated to be about $432 trillion at the end of 2023, the value of money depends on the importance that people place on it as a medium of exchange, a unit of measurement, and a storehouse for wealth.
(My Question: what is global wealth???)
What is going up?
What is going down?
+Up (Karma Positive): new eco tech, like a cool solar panel, MIT, Caltech, Apple Computer, https://www.homebiogas.com, organic gardeners
-Down (Karma Negative): like cow hormones and manure pollution, acidity and petroleum and trash in the ocean, chicken antibiotics, fish mercury poisoning, petroleum pollution, anemia, gonorrhea, chlamydia, glacial melting and the disappearance of Miami and Japan and Texas and Hawaii and all those other island indigenous territories that people currently could give two shits about, insect infestations, etc.
The below is an example of a start of a spreadsheet I made (on Google Spreadsheets that anybody can access) that an intelligent economist, system dynamics theorist, cryptocurrency operator, or really anybody imaginative and caring could use to get their creative impulses going:
If I were at MIT System Dynamics researcher, I would put this model into a Vensim Computer program with an Artificial Intelligence researcher. Then see what happens when all the variables are circulated. What would you do?
Here is an example of a System Dynamics Diagram by the School of Management and Engineering, Capital University of Economics and Business, Beijing. It is incredible! It really demonstrates what the Vensim Computer Software is capable of.
A System Dynamics Model for Ecological Environmental Management in Coal Mining Areas in China
This is the power of the Vensim System Dynamics Software! Wow!!!
Great job, School of Management and Engineering, Capital University of Economics and Business, Beijing!
If you’re a curious soul, or NASA, or MIT, or somebody anybody around the world who is capable of statistical analysis, then try out Vensim! It’s free! And perhaps find a partner, collaborator, an artificial intelligence coder, etc.
This Article is Written by:
Ashley Heacock
MIT Sloan School of Management, MBA
Harvard Kennedy School, MPA
The George Washington University, BA Economics, BA International Relations
My Website for Organizational Consulting and Personal Healing Sessions: awakeningconsciousness.community
Email: ashleyheacock@gmail.com
Read the Series on Our Circular Eco Economy Here:
Our Circular Eco Economy (III)