Our Circular Eco Economy (V)
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Solution: Compassion Network of Giving to Those with Karma Positive Ideas.
Note: This group of five articles “Our Circular Eco Economy” are not an “I Know It All” series. They are articles to try to get people thinking more creatively about our future, planet, and people.
I went to MIT Sloan School of Management and Harvard Kennedy School of Government. I studied System Dynamics. Please send your insights, feedback, and ideas to me at ashleyheacock@gmail.com
Please share this article with anybody you think you could have an intelligent conversation with about these topics.
If you would like to be part of this initiative, I have plans to create Zoom spaces for us to communicate with each other, or Slack, or ideas that you all may have. Please email me at ashleyheacock@gmail.com if you would like to be part of this new project for our world!
Here is my idea of a solution for giving to those people who have really good ideas to help the people and planet. Scroll through the presentation below or click on the link here.
This is about empowering a new generation of young people around the world who are educated, socially-minded, care about people and planet, and have good ideas they are inspired by.
There now is also a trend of billionaires giving away their money.
What if we were able to set up a Fund for the Compassion Network and see what individuals around the world do to help their communities?
Instead of giving to large organizations, why not give to inspired individuals?
How can the Cryptocurrency Community help?
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I have an idea for Creating a Socially Maximally Beneficial Energetic Currency Distribution System:
“It will calculate everything! Where did the product come from, how was the Earth treated, how were the people treated? What were the consequences of this resource created? We can begin modeling these new currency and social welfare systems off of how Life, Energy, and the Universe functions.
For instance, currently the United States receives all the benefits from products made in the rest of the world, but at a cost of devastating pollution and harm to the environment and people. We must realize we are All One, i.e “Quantum Entangled.” The greed and pain of the United States needs to be calculated. As people come into their Hearts, we will not need such a massive consumerist economy. As we understand Nature and new AI quantum technologies come to the fore, we will advance towards more efficiencies in all that we create. Products will become harmonious with Nature, as we Become harmonious with how the Universe works. Nothing will be treated as “waste” but rather all will be respected, recycled, reused, and repurposed.
In this new bitcoin cryptocurrency, those who Value Nature and Human Beings will be rewarded. Those who destroy others and the world will be brought to the awareness of Society, and the People can choose who they support by what they buy, where they live, and who they support.
When all is Known, people can make Choices that reflect their Heart and Soul, and that will be recorded (actually it’s already recorded by God, but why not have your karmic score recorded on a cryptocurrency chain too?)
Read: Creating a Socially Maximally Beneficial Energetic Currency Distribution System
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Another possibility is asking the wealthiest to give to the Compassion Network so we can create a Fund and spread this entrepreneurial eco-social-minded spirit around the world.
“In August 2010, 40 of America’s wealthiest people made a commitment to give the majority of their wealth to address some of society’s most pressing problems. Created by Warren Buffett, Melinda French Gates, and Bill Gates, the Giving Pledge came to life following a series of conversations with philanthropists about how they could set a new standard of generosity among the ultra-wealthy. While originally focused on the United States, the Giving Pledge quickly saw interest from philanthropists around the world.” — The Giving Pledge
“This is about building on a wonderful tradition of philanthropy that will ultimately help the world become a much better place.”
– Bill Gates
You can scroll through the incredible list of Pledge Signatories here.
Home — The Giving Pledge
What other ideas do you have? Comment, or email me at ashleyheacock@gmail.com
This Article is Written by:
Ashley Heacock
MIT Sloan School of Management, MBA
Harvard Kennedy School, MPA
The George Washington University, BA Economics, BA International Relations
My Website for Organizational Consulting and Personal Healing Sessions: awakeningconsciousness.community
Email: ashleyheacock@gmail.com
Read the Series on Our Circular Eco Economy Here:
Our Circular Eco Economy (III)