Our Circular Eco Economy (III)
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Atmospheric Factual Data on Karmic Positive and Negative Zones ~ What NASA or somebody with those technical capabilities could do to help.
Note: This group of five articles “Our Circular Eco Economy” are not an “I Know It All” series. They are articles to try to get people thinking more creatively about our future, planet, and people.
I went to MIT Sloan School of Management and Harvard Kennedy School of Government. I studied System Dynamics. Please send your insights, feedback, and ideas to me at ashleyheacock@gmail.com
Please share this article with anybody you think you could have an intelligent conversation with about these topics.
If you would like to be part of this initiative, I have plans to create Zoom spaces for us to communicate with each other, or Slack, or ideas that you all may have. Please email me at ashleyheacock@gmail.com if you would like to be part of this new project for our world!
I have Three Suggestions for NASA:
Atmospheric Research
Laboratory Tests
System Dynamics Models
1. Can NASA or somebody who does atmospheric research do a study on:
Percentage of carbon/oxygen/nitrogen/etc. in each cubic meter of the entire earth
Karmic positive or negative to the Circular Eco Economy?
Where are the factories polluting the earth and water and air?
Where are the cow factory farms polluting the earth and water and air?
Where are the forests, gardens, and farms that are helping produce more oxygen for all?
If we can have a map of the world showing us who is polluting and who is helping, then we can take further action.
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2. Can NASA or somebody start two differentials of atmospheric zones as laboratory tests:
Set up one laboratory that is filled with cow manure, hormones, antibiotics, petroleum gas and anything else that is polluting the world ~ see what happens, collect data
Set up another laboratory that is filled with flowers, herbs, hemp (absorbs a lot of carbon), trees, and anything else that helps oxygenize the world ~ see what happens, collect data
Bring politicians and newscasters to the laboratories to see first-hand the impacts of climate change and our personal and societal behaviors and decisions
Have them tell a story about pollution of the earth and possible solutions
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3. Can NASA or somebody reach out to the MIT System Dynamics Team and start working with them on a Circular Eco Economy Vensim Computer Artificial Intelligence Diagram of what is happening on Planet Earth?
Why doesn’t the government start cooperating more with Universities that could help save the environment?
Read Our Circular Eco Economy I and II and then perhaps email the System Dynamics Team at MIT and see what can transpire through cooperation! Or whatever else creatively transpires after reading these series of articles!
This Article is Written by:
Ashley Heacock
MIT Sloan School of Management, MBA
Harvard Kennedy School, MPA
The George Washington University, BA Economics, BA International Relations
My Website for Organizational Consulting and Personal Healing Sessions: awakeningconsciousness.community
Email: ashleyheacock@gmail.com
Read the Series on Our Circular Eco Economy Here:
Our Circular Eco Economy (III)